
Translation: “I am an edgy individual who refuses to have my picture taken because people have been doing it since ~1826.”

This is the best thing I think I’ve ever read on this website. Maybe.

It might be wanking myself off a little bit, but fuck it. I’d like to attempt to make ends meet too...

It seems that nobody has heard some incredibly useful advice concerning a basket and an unknown (albeit complete) number of eggs?

I’m more in the Solid Snake camp.

I'm glad Jason edited it because he dropped a good few gaffs when it was first posted.

I can't help but feel a great deal of hostility here. It's almost as if Konami are so angry at how well Kojima-san has done with Metal Gear that they've had to push him aside, boldly exclaiming how they can do it too.

I'm just skipping the article to come down here and chime in that I'll be waiting on the Game Theory video.


I made the clever clever choice of buying the 3DS XL as my first 3DS, so I never got to see the unjagginess of the original. I did this on purpose and not because I was poor!

This is the single most impressive and yet disturbing fan design I think I have ever seen.

Sorry for going on the offensive there. I got burned hard when I got a Wii U over the holidays, and had to wait 3 weeks before I could use it.

Have you tried signing your NNID into a second Wii U or 3DS? You might want to reconsider how much of a fix you think NNID is...

I haven't played this game but just going by the visuals alone, it looks as though a great deal of 'warmth' has been lost. The HD version just somehow looks very bare and devoid of character?

The point is that you can't professionally express quotation marks in verbal speech, you blundering ignoramus. If you're trying to explain that somebody's new 3DS isn't a New 3DS even though it's a brand new 3DS, you can't straight up explain that their new 3DS isn't a new New 3DS without a stupid amount of back and

You need to return your review units? That's sad =( always had the impression that review units could be kept. Maybe it depends on the company?

Too bad I don't have any Ubisoft pre-orders to cancel :(

Costumes = Bonus unlockables = Let people do what they want. Let the prudes be prudes and let the pervs be pervs.

Now playing

Every single time I hear this phrase being said, I come back to this.

If there's some super driving force behind getting 龍が如く0 over here to the west then please let me get behind it.