I'm sorry but have you seen NONE of the gameplay that's been released over the last few shows?
I'm sorry but have you seen NONE of the gameplay that's been released over the last few shows?
Let's add this one into the mix, while we're at it.
I can't wait to be able to enjoy all of the PS4 exclusives on PS4 and all of the XB1 exclusives on PC.
It's ALSO possible that the woman was incredibly violent and started the attack, and an innocent man was crushed to death.
How is this anything other than intentional It's CLEARLY an Easter Egg. This is Bungie for goodness sake. Do you not remember the monkey people? And now we're wondering whether or not it's reaching a bit far that they might have added a reference to Halo in their new game?
I get the feeling that this is less a removal of "fan service", and more just a simple tweak done for the sake of performance on a handheld device.
An HD Collection for PS4 and XBO is rumoured to be in the works, but nothing official.
The Silurian race was designed to resemble the classic grey alien look. Party member Mordin's design influence was incredibly old Clint Eastwood.
I'm really sorry to hear that :( I'm not Brian, but I figured you wouldn't mind another stranger offering some condolence. I've lost a few cats in my years and it never gets any easier.
You've won. Everyone else can go home.
Welcome to Kotezebel.
"Fetch is repeatedly shown to be weak and susceptible to mental breakdowns without her brother around to help keep her steady."
I feel that this review is being critical for the sake of being critical, and that the notion towards violence on women is clearly riding on the back of the controversy of yesterday's article too. You'd surely not have mentioned it to such a degree were it not for the attention that article attracted.
I feel like this is what PlayStation NOW should aim for. Don't aim to be a huge processing plant for millions of gamers to access. Give us the ability to access our current libraries (across all 4 generations of platforms) wherever we can get a connection. Use the PS4's already-existing capabilities in order to enable…
I'm in agreement here actually! I'd love a game like TFL that doesn't have the fleet in pursuit.
As a child of Wololo this is disgusting to witness.
How does it feel to be wrong all the time, anyway?
Yeah haha such a demo haha yeah only spent 19 hours on Ground Zeroes across all seven missions haha you're so original keep it up.
How is it that this critical guy can get so many positive comments with that monotonic and nasal voice, but Soapywarpig, who has a fantastically dynamic voice and a great exuberance of charisma was hounded with comments about how "her voice is so annoying" and "that stupid bimbo cunt needs to shut up"?
I LOVE Troy Baker as Ocelot in TPP. He sounds like the perfect medium between Josh Keaton's young/boyish Ocelot in MGS3 and Patric Zimmerman's gravelly and hardened ocelot in MGS/2