
This issue doesn't affect me because I love the Fulton Recovery aspect of MGS, but if you don't use this mechanic you won't hire better staff, hence unlock better equipment, hence making the game irresponsibly difficult if not physically impossible to complete.

The slow-mo feature is used as an extra-sensory addition to Snake's repertoire as the Legendary Mercenary. It is designed to AID in sneaking, not to promote run & gun gameplay.

Video game developers and reporters are fond of the term "immense penis." So-and-so revealed a new immense penis, so-and-so really wants their immense penises to penetrate new markets, and which company has the best new immense penis? The abbreviation stands for "intellectual property." But what if it stood

Wow. Unless you're working some angle-magic your Vita must be made of Nintendium.

Holy wow that's a good polishing job! I've completely forgotten what my Vita looks like without the bumper case on. I completely forgot just how gorgeous it is.

Very lucky. I'd go as far as saying that your Vita must be the Chosen One. There are threads all over the internet about how easy it is to scratch the bugger. Someone else just commented me with the same issue as well.

Exact same thing happened to me. I replaced my first Vita and got a new one, and it got one single scratch down the middle of the touch pad. I have absolutely no idea how it got there and that was after learning my lesson from my first scratched Vita...

I personally do. I would really love you to see how nitpicky I am about keeping my stuff immaculate which is why this bothers me so much! I have a protective sheathe and a screen protector. It's VERY well known how well the screen and back panel scratch due to fingernails, etc. though.

Not so! Remote Play works very nicely with Indies and other small releases as well. In fact my only gripe with Remote Play so far is with Infamous. Using R1 as the bottom right of the front touch panel means I can't aim my powered shots as I use them. I have to set up the shot first and then hope for the best, and I'm

CRINGE! This image is killing me. Do you guys know how goddamn easily the screen and touch panel scratch? Ouch.

So basically, Bioshock 1 with a dirty lens + flares.

Just wanna chime in as that guy who says "HOLY CRAP, LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS MANE."

I eagerly await the day!

I already knew about the Easter Sale. Thanks for alerting me but it's just not the same thing with the same level of awesome dealage :(

I feel that with the ease that Steam are able to set up sales for each region (which bar only the odd game here and there,) region specificity doesn't factor much into it anymore... At least in an ideal world. I know console licensing is different to PC but I also know that Sony and Microsoft planned on making these

I'm actually starting to become incredibly tired of all of these US Region-only deals that us in the UK (and elsewhere for that matter) never get. Why the hell do they keep doing this?

Nice to see George Lucas joined in. Here's hoping he didn't ruin this, too, though.

A video clearly demonstrating the patriarchy in place.

I can't see a mods folder at all?