Vie Ventar

The video is titled: “The most epic driver Kemerovo. Master of Parking.” Given that Kemerovo is a city in Russia, I’d say it’s Russian footage - possibly with a car that’s a grey market import from Japan or just flat out stolen in the UK.

Apparently they’ve brought in a fair chunk of naval support. To be honest I’d expect that stuff to be even more vulnerable - given how dilapidated their navy is.

The British Interplanitary Society proposal for a Moonshot.

The Americans have weird standards for what constitutes a small car. I mean, the 500 is a genuine small car - we agree on that - while the 500L is a bloated family hatch on the poor old Grande Punto platform. To them though, that’s small.

Could be worse, could be the other way around:

“The IOE design allows the use of larger valves than a sidevalve (or L-head) or overhead valve engine.[1] Its advantages over the sidevalve/flathead also include a compact combustion chamber, a well-located spark plug, and a cooling effect from the mixture swirl,[5] along with better intake mixture flow.”

And if you go

Direct more air into the breaks? Improve cooling at the cost of lower aerodynamic efficency?

Damn it, I got irationally angry at how freaking cutsy the crap is and missed that.

Emoticons are now part of the Unicode standard?


I give up.

I just hated all this bloated over the top emoticon crap, it was bad enough the first time around.

Hell, Apple was seen as a break from all that cutsy MSN/Yahoo Messenger bullshit with its clean mature design consistent across all programs last time.

Now it’s the same shit again!

All it says to me is that they have run

Oh great, it’s MSN Messenger reborn.

Are they adding E-Cards ne... ..oh wait, that’s what that stupid “Video Pictures” shit is isn’t it?


I really don’t think Putin has thought this though.
If he got Russia into a war with ISIS he’s just going to find himself facing exactly the same problem the US faced in Iraq.
Except here he won’t have any allies, financial reserves - which he’s managed to piss away on his attempts at empire building in Ukraine - or

That’s not where this should be... ..then again I suppose its that or have the Thing riding up there.

To be fair Torch old boy, you would.

Renault made at least one aircraft in the run up to WWII.

They only started car production after the war, when they got the BMW designs as part of the reparations.

North Korea, who probably started it anyway, till the South Koreans and allies steamroller them. Other than that? Er, Russia would probably drag its runty offspring into it, big woop there - Donetsk is really scary guys. And might try and drag Argentina in against the UK, though no serious Argentinian government would

That’s probably one of the most important questions asked so far. How well does the new diesel engine handle biofuels?

I suspect that if they end up deploying for anything serious over here, they’ll do so by stealthily slipping into a locally sourced deployment. Not only would it be a major force multiplier for the standard fighters, but would put a bunch of way more tempting - to missiles at least - targets out there around them. In