Bang, and every single car is gone.
Bang, and every single car is gone.
"Apparently recorded with a Potato."
That we all hate environmentalists.
Ford no longer own Land Rover, and thus don't have a Freelander to sell.
Yes, because when he dose it his programs will stop appearing on TV.
I must admit when I first saw the new layout I thought it was a bug.
Kill it's creator with fire.
Don't be silly, everybody knows African Helicopter's don't migrate.
£10 that there's a series of photos released soon of this thing being dissembled to prove it's just a Delorian
Could you redirect it to France?
I like cats... ..but I never want to meet this woman.
People will think you've abducted the kids though.
Don't worry, it wasn't much better over here.
As a British person I must say I'm highly off*User Disconnected*
The fan? Maybe?
SEAT not Seat, it started life as an acronym.