Rafael Penguin

It gives Jon a stronger claim to the throne than Dany.

I recall that the dragons had a similar reaction to Tyrion, which makes me wonder if he is a secret Targ after all (I hope not, but it's possible).

IIRC in the books he didn't like his brother too much, either.

I think in a normal situation he would have forsaken his claim by joining the Night's Watch, but things aren't exactly normal anymore.

Yeah, when Varys said that about begging for mercy, I was like… but they didn't beg for mercy.

I hope so! I ship Arya/Gendry.

Poor Elia Martell. Gets divorced so her husband can be with another woman, has to witness her children being murdered, and then gets raped and murdered herself all within the same timeframe.

As someone who was also once a teenaged girl, I think they mean that getting that demographic pays off, even if studios don't recognize it at all.

I think that the soundtrack makes a lot of the film.

I thought that A Night to Remember didn't show the ship breaking in half. I'm pretty sure that Titanic was the first film depiction to show that (to be fair, they didn't know about it back when the older movies were made). What's really interesting is that even Titanic's sinking depiction has been shown to be

I will argue for hours that those people are wrong—yes, they would have both fit, but it wouldn't have stayed afloat. That and the ending, because I refuse to believe that Rose is just dreaming.

It also got very good reviews when it came out, as I like to point out to people.

"Take it from someone who was in junior high when Titanic opened: There were young women who saw this movie five, six, seven times during its first run."

David Bowie and Iman made it. Also, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are still going (if you count them, as they aren't technically married, but still).

Technically Tyrion is also a product of incest. His parents were cousins, unless he is a secret Targaryen after all.

Ehh, the non-Jaime/Cersei instances you mentioned were all non-consensual. Also, I think Cersei/Jamie is supposed to be disgusting because they're siblings, which was taboo even in that universe.

I'm okay with him not really caring about his kids, IIRC in the books he even says he doesn't really have fatherly feelings for them. What bothers me is that he's cool with her using wildfyre in the city, something that he was horrified about the Mad King doing.

It might have been Jon and we just didn't see it.

It's also strongly suggested by her visions at the House of the Undying.

Plus even Tywin and his wife were cousins.