
So...who owns Angry Birds? The developer or EA now?

Of course...iPad like UI and features integrated into it. We will see more iOS UI elements in OS X.

Imagine the glare from those up above the surface, looking down from a plane.

Very nice article kudos to you, John.

Steve Jobs won't understand this, it is not written in Objective C.

The compatibility criterion for the platform is not hardware + software but software alone. Developers develop apps stating Android 1.6+ and the app works on 99% of the devices. Now that most of the smartphones are 2.x, the fragmentation gap is almost filled.

@ArmoredCavalry: It works only on Rooted devices. Do you know any that works on unrooted devices? I have a Nexus One with 2.2.1.

@Sheccid: It works only on Rooted devices. Do you know any that works on unrooted devices? I have a Nexus One with 2.2.1.

@OCEntertainment: Thanks man...that worked. Finished it off in 2 3 stars. :)

@OCEntertainment: I know man...I'm stuck at that level too...can't move forward :('ll cost $1599 and will be magical?

@Gareth Tiedt: So...I will have to keep taking pictures and be lucky?

@WUSS: I would agree with your argument. What I like about Android is its openness. And by that what I mean is, developers are free to develop whatever they want (excluding censored stuff of course). I have not yet rooted my Nexus One but I can install apps from the Market, from outside or anywhere for that matter.

@WUSS: I checked a few days back for the price on my friend's iPhone and it was $4.99 then.'re right they must have changed it.