
$5 on iOS, free on Android?

This was sure to happen. Microsoft has invested a lot in Facebook over the past few years and would want to leverage that.

They should have put it on Android Market as well.

Man...that is really a dream come true...awesome picture.


That looks good...Android version in the making?

@Lord_Data ∞: I guess those are resistive touchscreens, I might be wrong on that. Apple will never put a resistive touchscreen on its panel now.

May be they will bring out the new OS 'Simba' and include iOS like interface with it.

So...what might be served to you in a Happy-Meal could be 6-months old?

OS X that!!!

@Black Knight Rebel: Yea...hope they make it compatible. They should also make the PS Eye more useful with video chat through PS3.

@moothemagiccow: I think they are working to fix that to some extent. My Vaio now connects to the PS3 as a bluetooth keyboard which is really helpful as its tedious entering text in the browser using the PS3 controller.

Seriously...if you can read and/or have used any Android can use this remote. The right d-pad has all four Android-standard buttons while the left one is for navigating. Yea...if it were backlit it would be awesome. Does this work over bluetooth?

@redman042: Agreed...I would wait on some other manufacturers to adopt this. Sony's implementations are laggy in general. They put bloatware everywhere phones, Vaios and make them laggy. But here they don't even have bloatware still they couldn't make it smooth. This is the reason why Apple wins at UI and user

Of course...twice the probability of breaking glass on 4 vs 3GS?


Hope Sony allows PS Eye to make video calls using Skype or any other network. That would be awesome.

@registeraccount21: This is for Android phones on other networks. Skype launched the official app a few days back and crippled it so that customers in US won't be able to make calls over 3g (but only wifi).