
I have a Nikon D90 (bought in 2009). I wonder how my D90 stacks against these new DSLR cameras.

I have just one question regarding the Digg Reader...does it allow the import of ALL the starred items from Google Reader?
This will be a huge deal for me where I have over 5000 starred items. This is the only reason I have not moved to Feedly yet. At the end of the month (before July 1), I will export all my starred

Great review but a few things:

I am wondering what would be the visa types/terms for visit to Mars.

I hope so too.

"Having an older computer is really nothing to be ashamed of."

HTC has actually produced a gorgeous phone.

I have same kind of thought on this. Still using mine as well as my daily driver.

So... Samsung just unveiled another device which looks identical to ALL its siblings.

HTC One for sure...much more advanced than the Nexus 4 and way more stylish and sturdy (with the aluminium body) too. Also, Nexus 4 does not have LTE, the One does.

This is ridiculous.

All Samsung phones share the same design cues. This is a good and a bad thing.

Don't really need the PS3 Media Server between my PS3 and Sony Vaio.

I wouldn't say overpaying...

Yes, Nexus devices need custom ROMs.

My computer was an assembled one (year 1999). The processor in it was Cyrix 300 MHz with 64MB RAM and 4GB HDD. It also had a CD-ROM with a remote control (manufactured by Creative), which was so cool in those days. It had a graphics accelerator as well and a 14" CRT color monitor.

Right...I have been using IE pretty much all the time since IE9. And now IE10 (on Win 7) is awesome too, way better than IE9.

Thanks AJ. Actually, I have an old P3 system with I guess about 256MB RAM.

Can Ubuntu Server be used instead of FreeNAS?

You can actually debate this...there are 2 things here: