
The most likely option is Sony thought about it (how could they not?), but they just didn’t care or think it was worth the effort to support it. 

Not sure, but even if that’s the only case... PS4 still supports suspend for online games.

Yeah, I see what you are saying now. I’d just learn to live with the change rather than messing up in-game controls.  They complain, but over here in the US we have to deal with both system simultaneously since Nintendo does the Japanese standard here in the US.  

Now you really confused me;

I guess I just don’t buy that devs will swap standard game layouts just because the system confirm and cancel buttons get swapped. So if right now X is jump and cancel it seems likely that on the PS5 the X will become jump and confirm.

You should give it another go. The weekends are probably the best time if you want some solid competition.  It doesn’t seem as punishing as Tetris 99, but both games seem to have more skilled players active on the weekends.

Yes, nearly always when I could.  The only notable exceptions being when I was a young kid and had to rely on getting one as a Christmas gift and that didn’t always happen in the first year of release.

Sounds like you just got lucky. Every time I’ve played the late game gets hectic with dozens of enemies on-screen and multiple Bowsers.

Because it does. You’re welcome to try it yourself and let me know if you get a different result.

It has always kind of been split.  The NES used a flat two button layout and did have A on the right. But the Master System used the same layout with buttons labeled 1 and 2 and 1 (on the left) was the confirm/start button. You have a similar difference with the Genesis and SNES.  

Hmm... why would it necessarily swap game mappings?  Maybe games already allow button mapping or multiple layouts.  Why would Jump/Crouch be permanently coupled to Confirm/Cancel?

Ahh... thanks for the clarification.

There’s definitely a clear split between people that hate how he looks in SSB and those that like the fact his appearance is true to MC.

Karma is a bitch.

Rabid? Maybe you’re seeing comments elsewhere, but in these comments I just see a few people calmly defending the decision to make Steve look as he does in the actual game.  The people trashing the decision are far more “rabid” about doing so.

On the upside, banned viewers can only make one request.

You can manual target any opponent by moving the cursor over their screen, but that’s largely a waste of time since you likely don’t know any specific person anyway. The game defaults to “Random” which is one of 4 categories for auto selecting whom you attack: Random, KO, Badges, and Attackers. Random is exactly as

I think the difference between all those examples and Steve is those are examples of the limits of the technology at the time the characters appeared in their games. Minecraft’s blocky aesthetic is intentional.

In your situation I might go OLED too. Or if I had a dedicated home theater type room that was separate from my gaming set-up I’d likely use one there too. As it I use one display for most of my video related leisure activities.  On weekends nearly 100% of my TV use would be sports or games.  I just don’t trust an

In your situation I might go OLED too. Or if I had a dedicated home theater type room that was separate from my

If we buy the upcoming version will we get the later enhanced upgrade for free? I haven’t heard. That may decide whether I buy it now or hold out for the later editon.