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    ....not “kind of way hopped up on something that’s not booze or weed”?

    SRSLY - my twittter was all “hey, can we always get this international broadcast? I like this!” Plus it took like 20 minutes for Buck and Reynolds to figure out, hey lets go next door to the international booth. I am dying to see video footage of how that musical chairs went down.

    I love this one.


    Whoa. What I am wondering is why the footprints begin at the backdoor but no footprints outside. Also whether or not anything was stolen/missing.

    I wonder how many other relatively new parents experience this. I want to say when my son was that age, he would occasionally ask us questions that seemed nonsensical to us, but he was asking as sincerely as a 2-3 year old can. My wife’s family is very sensitive to seeing ghosts (multiple times in different cities,

    I had handled too many objects once owned by dead people over the last week to even consider documenting or thinking about it. It probably wasn’t real anyway.

    I thought it was about the wacky journey of two old friends, who happen to be an odd couple of droids.

    Inverted recursive universe somehow rights itself.

    My best BTTF memory is the scene where Marty dresses up in the radioactive suit from 1985, puts his Walkman headphones over his sleeping, future Dad, cranks a Van Halen tape into his ears, and claims he’s an alien sent to give George a message.

    When I was a teen, everyone wanted one of Michael Jackson’s too-many-zippers-all-over, red leather(?) jacket too. I imagine they cost a similar expense in 1980s money.

    I just want to thank you for pointing out the pure awesomeness that was Airwolf.

    As an Old, let me say this: before George Lucas claimed the movies were about Anakin/Vader, they were about C3P0 and R2D2. They are the only characters present in all six films. I feel like the prequels got away from this. But even before the prequels, we used to complain that ROTJ was the same movie as A New Hope:

    This. I remember thinking after ROTJ that “I’m gonna have to wait SO LONG for the next movie!” Well add a dozen more years to that, and I was hyped for the prequels. But about halfway through Menace, I wondered what the hell I was watching. By the time the Clone Wars and (oh jeez, I can’t even remember the 3rd prequel

    I kinda wish the ethnicities of these people were exposed. I feel like I can tell which ones are white privilege vs ghetto “make it the way I like it (as cheaply/free as possible)”-style ordering.

    That would be a murder of crows, and an unkindness* of Ravens.

    I love collecting stuff. Were you to ask my wife, she would call me a hoarder. So without further ado...

    Really affluent, wealthy, white people.

    To all the people saying “yeah yeah, but IF they had lost this game on that play it wouldn’t have been wrong.”

    I bought a Nintendo Wii U about a year ago, after not having a console since PSX (that’s “Playstation One” for you youngsters). My 5-year-old son loves to play Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros, and his favorite game is an old Wii game from 2006, MLB Nicktoons baseball. I bought my wife the Wii U Fit, hoping she