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    My favorite place in Amoeba Music is the clearance bins, and I'll confess I still own the Chris Webber album "2 Much Drama" thanks to this practice. I remember thinking how bad the songs were, but that some of the beats had a nice bounce.

    Didja hear the one about the waitress who had a customer that said, "If the customer says throw this steak back on the grill until it's tender, you do it" (sic)

    You notice the person whose name they actually dropped is widely believed to be Kanye's undercover lover.

    In the pantheon of crazy/manic ex-girlfriends many of us have experienced, I had one that used to just absolutely deride me in public places, like a restaurant. But as soon as the waiter/waitress would show up at our table, she'd flash a big fake smile, ask a few questions, and send him/her on their way. It was so, so

    Anybody check who WGBH or WBUR had on as guests? If his "national radio appearance" was taped in advance, maybe it hasn't even aired yet.

    Slightly related:

    Ditto for me. I can't drink Budweiser in any form, yet I have managed to enjoy Miller/Lite, Coors/Lite.

    I had a lot of favorite Saturday morning cartoons: Dungeons & Dragons, Muppet Babies, and (not a cartoon but) Pee Wee's Playhouse stand out for one reason or another. I remember after-school ones better, like the Japanese stuff: Ultraman, Robotech, Battle of the Planets, ...even Go Rangers.

    I gotta see that P&R sketch - "Jazz + Jazz = Jazz" is the funniest thing I've read in forever.

    I knew someone would beat me to this punch; this is totally the A-Team scenario, with a different "son" to rescue every week!

    To call the rich (white) couple "intelligent" based on the premise of their IQs is merely to present the scenario that leads to the idiot future. What they don't have is any common sense, or they would have just had at least a kid or two over the time that Clevon fathers so many.

    My guess is that no one went to the Master tapes to digitize any of this prior to air, and the episodes are all legacy playback formats (Betacam maybe?) being played back in new HD environments. The video workflow might not have SD/HD switchable components everywhere along the line, from FXX to outer space, back down

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    If you haven't seen the sped-up, Benny Hill version yet, you really should:

    My feeling is that post-PC era really means "post-Windows XP" era. None of those other Win OS's work very well/were well received, and after announcing they would be dropping support, Microsoft did this themselves, a la Apple and video editing and FCPX.

    Seems like weddings bring out the hefty fees no matter what goods/services you are purchasing. The consensus seems to be "Oh, you're having a wedding? [raises prices 150%]"
