Video Beagle

Yup. X-Men is Stan Lee saying "Hey, that thing we did with Spider-Man…lets do it with a team"

See, they could have used Sara to be Alex's "first" since that was an issue Maggie had an episode ago.

Bludhaven, once and future home of Nightwing, gets name dropped quite a bit. And I'm not sure there's a more CW character than Nightwing in the DCU.

There's storytelling and budget reasons to not have them, but a line about why they didn't go get them when they figured out the threat (or the divinely powered spirit of vengence in Star City) would have been good.

It should have been a mention….Superman and J'onn staying behind to protect their earth….Mon-El still recovering. but the idea should have been floated when Supergirl says "hey Dominators…yeah, they're super evil and tough".

Well, all her foes are Superman level.
On Earth 1, the most powerful beings are Flash and Ragman, and the latter didn't catch the bus to make the crossover.

The actual inspiration was Cincinnati’s Union Terminal.

Is 38 meaningful? I expected her to insist her earth be called Earth S

Well, we haven't had a need to see it.

Google "Cincinnati Union Terminal"

Honestly, it was nice for them to remember that Barry owns STAR labs.

Jesse was a girl they knew. Wally is the son/brother of the people involved. so different.

It's gotten better in season 2, the lack of CBS money has meant more character focus.

To be fair, it was the only alien looking thing there.

I think it was a hologram President…..or yeah, nobody cared.

I think it's a call back that Oliver was Iris's "cheat guy" with Eddie.

Well, despite everything else, he's still an Archie character.


Ryan Murphey of Glee?

If you don't get it, you don't get it.