Video Beagle

AH.. nice interpretation!

Scrooge would have been near 100 when the original DT aired…he's now ridiculously old, so…

I really liked that they made her the physical one, with a specific expertise. So Huey is the book smart one, but doesn't know about the world of adventure. Louie is the troublemaker, but isn't actually a tough guy. So Webby fits in real well, naratively, and she is lacking in the areas the brothers aren't.

Priest has cited "Mike", Michael J Fox's character from Spin City and Matthew Perry (in general, and his character on West Wing) as being inspirations for Ross.

What's with you damn liberals wanting all female reboots!?!

Yeah. A bodyguard's job is to protect the principle and only the principle. They're not cops, they're not heroes..they are personal guards who protect the principle at the cost of their lives. It was a badly done scene for the point they were going for.

I'm not a fan of Trainor's music…and maybe even for similar reasons this guy has…but he couches everything in such …SJW buzzwords, for lack of a better term…."appropriation" "hetronormative" "empty/watered down feminism" and so, it's hard to give him credibility for being any more authentic than he claims Trainor is.

You dpn't know how close u are to being right.

They got The Mustard out > Super Friends song. Yeah, I said it.

Eh…not that confused. I'm pretty sure the "PReviously on" would cover it.

The sound production seemed off a lot of time…like they didn't know how to do ADR properly…so instead of it being these all great singers, singing…sometimes it came across like they were just dubbing in songs.

Technically, he didn't escape in a cowardly way. As filmed, he escaped the way any head of state is gotten out of a dangerous situation by their bodyguards. Pulled out, shoved in a safe vehicle to get out of there.
It would have been better had he been a bit more active in that scene being a jerk, rather than just

Really? I thought it was mostly stagnant, repetiive and formulaic and missing on the shameless fun.

I'm not sur why Harewood was in the episode…as far i know, his resume is all stage dramas, no musicals.

They could have done it had the wanted to. Scrubs pulled off a musical just fine. So did Psych. They did it but realizing "sometimes you have to have fun in your show". Even Whedon got it. He made it integral to all the stories, but it's not like Berlanti and co couldn't have…they just didn't.

They could have just ripped off Menace of the Music Meister.
They could have stuck them in a dream world to explain the non cast members and still have it be "them". Supergirl has Winn saying he thinks he and Cisco would be best friends…yet we don't get a Cisco/Winn buddy song…
They could have learned the structure of

Eh…he's not EVERYTHING wrong with the 21st century…but he's a lot.

Nope nope nope..maybe a c at best.

At some point, I started noticing too much salty tastes in a lot of packaged food. Not something my doctor had me go off of, just bang "oh, this is too much"…except popcorn.

Yeah, Man from UNCLE really takes the problems of Superman away from Cavill's shoulders.
(I wish the film had done better….like you said, it's charming and cool.. just a lot of fun)