Video Beagle

Eh, these kind of big media profile "slice of life" pieces are like this. This wasn't an "intereview" so much as "Vogue shows you want the "real" Selena Gomez is like."
It's the print version of the Barabra Walters interview.

I've not made this, but be forwarned that a lot of those types of dishes can taste really salty.

There's some mighty fine looking robots out there….'s'all I'm sayin'.

Back in the day.. MAD Magazine or CRACKED did a MASH parody where Henry returns and wants back on the show. Hawkeye points out he's dead, but he says "You're superstar could fix me. I could come back as the Bionic Doctor.".

Pre Crisis the hair would be super strong.
Post Crisis, they have a skin level forcefield so the further out their hair is, the more vulnerable it is.

Because the DEO isn't just those 3…That Pam in HR should be evaluating him…any of the other folks. THIS is literaly the reason why cops and judges and lawyers and doctors recuse themselves from cases involving family.

Well after Mon-El I think is space horse.

You're saying there's something wrong with him being a cyborg? Machinest!

Do you know how much those ice statues in the Mxy episode cost?

Why didn't they notice he weighed like 100 lbs more due to a flesh arm being a METAL arm?

It looked like she was holding a magic sci-fi gun that could have easily had a stun setting.

They get to focus on character a lot more in Flash then they did for him in JL…it was a few years, IIRC, until the confirmed if it was Wally or Barry in it!…had some really bad writing? Yes.

Or noticed that he weighed 100 lbs more due to having a METAL ARM

And she went to work for SHIELD.

J'onn always gets turfed so DC can maintain that Superman is the most powerful.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but they did change it from the name backwards to differing challenges (I assume the comic writers got tired of having to figure out how to do the name thing).
And Alan Moore's Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow puts pay to your "chaotic neutral" comment :)

Mon-El has an eventual destiny to get to, so his presense past the season finale isn't really assured.

A character like Supergirl (or Man) can't go around killing…being judge and jury, because that just breaks the narrative hard.
"Alien god being who looks like us and is good and saves people" is one thing "Alien god being who looks like us and is good and saves people and executes others"…that's scary AF.

J'onn is really more father figure, voice of experience, though. They keep him out of action a lot (to the story's pointed out…when kryptonite is involved, send J'onn).