Video Beagle

Well other than them having no idea how companies work…first with the take over of Queen to become Palmer, then Felecity losing the company that apparantly was given to her in Ray's will, which means it wasn't public.

I'm a week behind, but given that white martians are big CGI monsters and green martians are make up effects, and thus MUCH cheaper…there's your answer :)

Well the secret id is pretty shakey on what anyone knows…but I was wondering that too, but I couldn't recall if it was Supergirl or Kara in that scene in the previous episode. (though if lillian actually thinks that Lex isn't a villain and that it was all a set up by Superman, then she'd just assume that Supergirl

It's less a question of director and more who'd you cast in the lead, as Weller is perhaps a bit too old for the part now.

Well, it was a special episode featuring one of the white house chefs, and maybe Emeril?, focusing on Mrs. Obama's program of healthy eating.

I'm hoping that with Sasha getting the belt, she'll move on, maybe to work with Nia for a bit, while Charlotte and Bayley have a brief thing, before they head Bayley/Sasha for WM. With Emma returning, with hopefully an actual push, she can maybe clear out Foxy, and then feud with Charlotte over Dana, maybe til Summer

Strangely, only "fans" seem to think he's intitled. All reports from inside the business is that he works hard to be deserving of the spot he's been placed.

Because when Roman gives real interviews in the real world, he's very personable and from all reports, he's very likable, and very photogenic.
You sound ridiculous not understanding what WWE sees in him.
Finn is brilliant in the ring, but half of the country can't understand him. There's some real money in Sami,

Jacket full of them that's programed to fire them off coresponding to where hits are registered on the other side. This is tech that's available in our world (though clunkier). In a world with shrinking suits, instant corn-row machines, and perfectly realisitic masks, it's easy to handwave HT has it in a vest.

Except Ivan Drago mentioned Starling City!

Well, no one was looking at Artemis' face in that dress.

Ragman is literally powered by Jewish mysticism.

Or the Wyatts…and he did lose the fight.

Pretty much literally how they filmed it. Squbbs in the back to blow out while he's being shot. Special effects.

I'm just catching up and saw the episode tonight. As a long time DC comic expert, I can tell you.. I got no freakin' idea who that guy was supposed to be.

But eventually, you graduate. You become a grown up with
responsibilities and a proper kitchen. You learn to use a skillet like
an adult.

The more pedals, the cooler you look, and the cooler you look, the better you are!

As I recall, it's more of a "wants to kill firestorm/is in love with firestorm" switch, rather than actual personality (she was a Firestorm villain). Whereas Magenta was actually two seperate personalities, caused by her powers messing with her brain.

"Faceturn". Draco had a faceturn at the end of the books.

I'm a bit behind and just catching up, but Killer Frost and split personality goes back like 30's her thing.