Video Beagle

Order and Chaos are Doctor Fate. The Endless predate Vertigo, as does the Green. You can argue which company has focused on the more cosmic level of their stuff more, but you can't ignore that the stuff's there.

Sanity in NXT is mixed gender. I'm hoping Blake and Murphy get called up to Smackdown to be Alexa's henchmen.

Dark Squirrel Girl saga!

Dc has the lords of Chaos and Order, the Endless, The hierarchy of hell from rhymers to the three rulers, the Wrath of G-d as an actual character, …they also have the entire New Gods saga.

She realy does. I loved her as a face blue fairy cheerleader, but when she turned heel red, yowza!
(And if the video game let me have Alexa Blue vs Alexa Red, I'd play it!)

The Alexa/Shane/Becky/Natayla/Ambrose segment was legit hilarious.

Well, one truism of the Potterverse is by and large, wizards are total assholes.

Eh.. I'd give it a solid B. I really enjoyed the setting, the 1920's New York, the clothes, seeing adult wizards who just use magic rather than students who aren't allowed to.

You see pleasent memories that lull you into diving into a pool of instant disolving magic acid.

Well.. there's a pretty obvious reason why the main characters were going to be killed in a "Do it immediately before anyone notices" sort of way.

If you don't understand the succsess of Harry Potter, then do you understand the success of Spider-Man? It's that.

The Temeraire book series is "What if the Napoleonic Wars also had dragons" other magic (at least in the books I've read) just giant dragons with a crew. Peter Jackson sat on the film rights for a number of years.

Yeah.. It was for me pretty out of nowhere other than a name drop in the magic UN. I was for a second confused then remember that Rowling isn't actually a very good writer.

Wel said!

As I recall, isn't that pretty much the inside cover text of every issue?

Well in the show, all things die. In the comics, that gets questionable.

Tangled and Princess and the Frog are both considered major films of the current period, "The Revival". Princess and the Frog is often listed as THE starting point, but I feel the starting point should be Meet the Robinsons and Bolt, which were the first to show Lassiter's touches.

I like both Frozen and the Pirate Fairy.

Was gonna say the same. Elton John's work, in part because they're not just the songs sung by pop stars, but really new versions of the song redone by the creator.

Before they had him losing every feud, he was just magnetic to watch…they've really dropped the ball with him..which you can say for like 93% of the talent they have.