Video Beagle

Alexa is still an NXT character stuck in a main roster story line.

So Taker will be there…and Kane will be there….and they'll continue to ignore the whole Bray is supposed to be the new face of fear thing in favor of the 50 year old part timers.

He introduced me to Nostalgia Chick and Todd in the Shadows.

I would fan rage, as comics Lucifer didn't give a toss about Death and threatened to destroy her when she got lippy with him and he was powerless.
Of course, comic Lucifer is the second most powerful being in creation, while TV Lucifer is…not…and never was.

I know it's not that kind of show, but I _REALLY_ wish the show wold get to some of the more mystical stuff they bring the whole Dr. Linda having proof of the divine….and it's used for jokes about Hitler and trump, despite this once being refered to as a really bad thing.

let it all hang out togetehr!

To the fanfic sites!!!

I SO want Director Bones to show up…but in his rhyming form!

"Batwoman is for the most part largely independent of the Batfamily in
that she has story arcs largely unconnected from the rest of the Bat

It is? I mean, given that she was "Black Bat" for a hot second, is currently "Orphan"…..

Winn is only seen consorting with the director, the 2nd in command, and the on staff super-hero, so I can he got hired to be head of super tech guy. There SHOULD be a web series about all the people he leap frogged over going mad scientist for revenge.

The episode kind of ignored that Maggie had just gotten dumped (the day? Week? before) by her girlfriend and was pretty devestated from it (so not just a break up of someone she was dating, but a major relationship).

Had an Action #1 feel to it.

Original Flash was an 80/90 adventure show where, there was mild flirtation of a relationship between Tina and Barry, it was more the girl of the week scenario.
Lois and Clark was built as a relationship comedy, ala Moonlighting.

It's not just his Batman's his THE BATMAN, his Batman, and his Bruce Wayne. The full range of the entire character.

The Martha moment was so goofy, i legit LOL in the theater.
I had been spoiled that something about the name "martha" was in the resolution, and I know the characters, so I knew the connection, but I was unprepared for just how goofy it wound up being.

In the comics, Daxam is pretty much a planet of assholes. Rascist assholes who have the power of Superman if they get off-world.
Only good Daxamites are Lar Gand, the greatest hero in galactic history (our Mon-El) and his descendent, Laurel.

Victor Garber is a 4 time Tony nominee.
Katie Cassidy is daughter of David, so likely has some musical talent.

With Guardian it's a problem…with her obviously upset sister, I'll give it a pass.

I'd assume it's coated, so that it won't poison Jimmy, so we can say that's protecting Mon-El too.