aleph Ruehl

The fact the US dollar has been rising against the Australian dollar for the last year would seem to discount your argument, at least in relation to this story.

No thanks, I think ill just keep my 2012 hatchback wrx...disappointing. I just hope the interior and sound-system finally make it into this decade.

It's apparently just fine.

Am I the only one completely perplexed by this fucking Disney madness? They were stories we watched as children. Some of them SUPER fucked up. I loved it when I was a kid, I recognize it now, but I guess I don't see how romanticizing it….. is fun? There are grown adults that I know that are totally obsessed with the

ah yes. the classic nazi symbol of the opposed piston

Excellent pick sir.

Measuring the ridiculous physics of Disney movies? This is such a Dumbo use of your time.


I want to be Janelle Monáe. Wait, no. I want to be Erykah Badu! NO-WAIT!!