aleph Ruehl

It will be a welcome addition over here where tap to pay is well established.

Exactly what I was thinking because the magic of that fairy vagina knows no bounds.

I will have to respectfully disagree with the contention that Darkseid would beat Thanos.

I have lived in Australia, the US and Canada and I have never meet a person named Maxwell, Joseph, Donald, Larry, Clarence and so many others, however it doesn't mean that they are not names.

Top Gear Australia was pretty foul but Top Gear USA is utterly shocking.

Release it in Australia for less than $120k and it's my next car. Mind you I saw this cringing over how cheap it will be comparatively in NA.

Frankly I'd just be happy if they fix the bug that makes my calendar entries show up twice on my mobile.

It does doesn't it, but I still like it. That said, makes me wonder why Acura couldn't have taken the Accord Coupe, matted an SHAWD system to it, done a proper job on the interior and called it the TLX Coupe or even the CLX.

The "magic box lieeeees."

That and given Google's lacklustre history of continuing any number of projects I will not be an early adopter... if one at all.

Cryptic for him/her and only him/her. I knew exactly what you were referring to and utilising context clues it was pretty evident when you mentioned 'concept'.

I agree and I'm sitting here reading this thinking that I could buy this car and not even bat an eye if I were in America. Here in Australia it will/would not doubt cost somewhere in the ballpark of $200k.

So I'm guessing Audrey is actually William's wife, of some description, and I'm actually starting to get a HANCOCK vibe between these two.

I was scrolling looking for exactly this post.

Haha, this is a choice comment because it's true.

This is not only one of the best kids shows around, but one of the best animated series there is atm. It really puts garbage like Hulk and the agents of SMASH to shame.

The Hulk show is awful, like really awful.

Not only pretending to be American, but also American in a very different time. It's probably fair to say that American Accents then does not sound like the accent of today.

I'll take Wanda's reality manipulating power during the House of M story line:

Clearly you know nothing about law school as the process leaves you slightly demoralised but generally full of hope. However, your first two years of practice/taking a colossal amount of shite [at a big firm anyway] puts you in your temporary place. No, it's not until around about your third year that you hit your