aleph Ruehl

Glad Google finally ported GN over to the iPhone, however, the constant running of location services is a huge battery drain.

Entirely too much clicking to read this webcomic.

Exactly right and I kept hoping we'd get to the point when Klaus ended that arrogant prick and his sidekick who kept jumping up to Klaus every time he entered a room. Clearly these people do not understand power.

Well, it had to be better than the crowd in between Sourdough and Wholemeal... I tell you they always seemed half-baked.

It's episodes like this that make me wish American TV showers were more like their British counterparts in that they aired 12 - 14 episodes that stuck to the damn point and none of this random plot bs.

Yea, right there with you. Loki is the only reason to see this movie as far as I am concerned.

I would genuinely be interested in reading this paper.

Right, I was wondering if he wasn't talking about himself.

What exactly are you on about because you really sound like a raving lunatic as there is no substance to your statement in any way shape or form.


See, this is the type of comment one receives when an individual, that would be you, believes that they are more intelligent than they actually are and fail to read for comprehension. At no point in my comment did I say that I hope the accused is raped in prison nor did I wish the death penalty on him. In fact what

Ah fair point, I forgot this would be a federal matter.

I am pretty happy they captured him alive because there is no punishment in death. That said, too bad for him Mass has no death penalty so he, as a reasonably attractive and light weight male, will be quite popular with the other inmates assuming he is not placed on constant lockdown for the rest of his natural life.

Considering the fact that one is dead, the other only recently apprehended, and there has been no media statements regarding notes, video's, etc in which these guys espouse their reasons... I'm going to say no one knows the answer to that question.

Yahoo really hit the ball out of the park with this one and the app has replaced the stock app on my home screen [which I cannot delete mind you].

Of all the weather apps I've downloaded none have felt like a good replacement for the stock app... until now.

That was a great episode although he still had his arse handed to him at the very end after all of his 'cutting loose'. Darkseid is a [new] god afterall and showed that when he feigned weakness only to lure Supes in to hit him with the Infinity Matrix.

I was scrolling though looking to see if anyone had listed this show because it sits at the top of my list.

Pretty much.

Would love to know how to disable Chrome's constant request to access my keychain info. And no, the solution I'm looking for is not to get rid of my Mac.