aleph Ruehl

Hmm, maybe that could work. Perhaps a Miami to DC with Clarkson in the F-Type, the Hamster in the 6 and May on an Amtrack train.

Best news I've heard all year.

Sometimes it helps if you read the remainder of the conversation before posting a comment that's already been mentioned and discussed. Or better yet, don't reply to conversations that are days old... seriously, gtfoh.


Although this may be true, it not at all germane to the topic.

Agree completely. Americans are generally late to the proverbial party when it comes to Western countries so I suspect that they will eventually move to coloured polymer notes.

Well, yes it is good they are not deleted and are instead held in the cloud just out of your grasp. That said, it's still shite that you can't access the bloody things even just to download them which is why the phrase 'held hostage' was used by the commentators. Furthermore, the context they placed it in is in the

Yea, except it was mentioned on The Verge mobile show this week that if you go pro, upload [x] number of photos in excess of what free members are allowed, and allow your pro subscription to lapse they hold those excess photos 'hostage'. That is to say you can't access those photos, not even to view or download,

Dear America, it is currently 0736 on 21 December 2012, Perth, Australia time... i.e. the future and the world is still here. Mind you it's so hot outside it feels like you're walking though an oven, but that's normal this time of year even this early in the morning.

I made the same comment on The Verge when the app was released. However, if Google doesn't want to request local access to my contacts for whatever reason, at least pull down my contact's info from G-Mail.

I would hardly call it the 'most important app' as I believe that honour probably goes to the dialer, or the iPod app, or maybe even the contacts app... heck, why not throw in the App Store and Find iPhone apps just for good measure.

Yea, but only via the link and not though a search for the app.

'Incredible'... not sure I agree with that based on the overwhelming feeling of 'meh' I have.

Not having public transpo directions aside, I have had no issues with iOS Maps driving directions. That said, I'll believe that an iOS Google Maps app when I see it.

Uh not really mate, those people should have never trusted a GPS unit in the middle of the outback to begin with. In these situations paper trumps teck any day.

I won't be fooled by this rendering after seeing the production version of the RLX.

I laughed. +1

Absolutely not, anyone born here is a 'native Australian'. Each of our ancestors arrived here at some point be it 50 or 50,000 years ago.

This episode just solidified the fact that I have no clue how this season is going to end.

Exactly right, she will still be on the throne in 80 years... mark my words.