aleph Ruehl

Awesome, cheers.

Well they have removed one of my favourite features which is the ability to zoom into the entire screen by pressing ctrh+2 fingers inward.

Do not care about the mind controlling drawbacks, just take my money.

If I didn't have [everything] Apple I would be really interested in a Surface.

This movie looks like a complete and utter mind frak and I eagerly await it's release. Halle Berry mmmmh.

Yes! You beat me to it.

Lol, it's funny you say that because they were a ska band long before she became a pop princess. Their self titled first album and The Beacon Street Collection were [still are] two of my favourite albums as a kid.

Frakin awesome film, saw it a few months ago when it was showing in Sydney.

I agree completely.

Perhaps you should not have responded at all because it appears that you have issues re reading comprehension. I stated that;

Good review. However, that said, I need to see the weather for approximately a second... regardless of how awesome it looks, I don't believe in 'developer welfare' [tm] and thus fail to a good reason to fork over a buck.

A police call out over $7.44 when you, as far as we know, don't have any details that will lead them directly to who allegedly did a dine and dash is an utter waste of resources.

This show is utter crap and each week I feel compelled to watch it because I hate not knowing what will eventually happen.. and I genuinely hope that they are all killed. How this managed to be renewed for a second season is beyond me, but then again, it's always the shite shows that manage to hand around and the

Yea, pretty much but I don't know about calling No Doubt Rock 'n Roll. In my head I still think of them as a ska band, especially with the release of their latest track.

Expensive is relative to the person assessing the price of [x] item, that is to say that what is expensive to you may not be expensive to me. But, that said, I just don't find IKEA's composite board /allen key furniture quality to be up to par. When I purchase a piece, or several, I look for things that will last

That's exactly what I'm saying and your system isn't completely made up, nor are you alone in it's use. When I think rap I think of pretty the same artists you've listed and generally add in mainstream lyrics discussing bitches, hoes, money and/or aggression. Hip-hop on the other hand I associate with A Tribe Called

I really wish we still had the ability to promote comments. However, I would say that he has been exposed to rap music and formed his opinions from there. I have always, and will continue to assert that rap and hip-hop are quite different and this song, this is hip-hop.

Ugh, cheap Ikea furnishings is one of the most horrible things to see in a persons home. In fact, I rank it up there just behind a disgusting bathroom/toilet, and a messy kitchen.

Lala [visiting] his Momma (Alfre Woodard) was the best scene in the entire episode. That woman is amazing.

This is awesome, when I'm in Canada next year I'm attending ComicCon and will hold up a sign that reads, 'Hallowed are the Ori'; or, 'Those who reach enlightenment shall rejoice with the Ori forever.'