What's most interesting to me is that the size of the quarter pounder patty in North America looks to be considerably larger than it is here in Australia.
What's most interesting to me is that the size of the quarter pounder patty in North America looks to be considerably larger than it is here in Australia.
Yea, that once was the case but Apple has long since eased up on that restriction and I hope that ease holds as they move onto their own Maps app.
I been interested in purchasing a tablet for a while, however, Google's numerous Android incarnations leave me uninspired and do not feel as 'stable', for want of a better word, than an iPad. But, that said, Apple's interface completely bores me after so many years of using an iPhone... seriously, they couldn't…
I don't want an Android device to ditching my iPhone is not an option. However, I hope that Google releases an iOS maps application because it's Apple produced replacement is looking to be utterly useless to me as they release what is surely to be a half arsed effort.
Literally just found out Adventure Time and praise be to YouTube [and Kotaku] because it's awesome.
You know I completely agree with you. Reading some of these responses would give me a headache if I cared enough.
Pretty pointless and over reactionary move considering the fact that the episode is already widely available on the internet and HBO commented to the NY Times that only '1%' of its viewership is from HBO Go. According an article that ran on Gizmodo an average of some 3.9 millions people download each episode...…
I agree completely.
Google Currents is my iOS reader of choice. The interface looks nice, it's responsive, full article downloads, and it's free.
Seriously, I laughed.
Actually this stems from unreasonableness on both sides of the pond as illustrated in the WSJ article that was linked to on this site about a week or two ago. And I quote,
Mate I drive a Range Rover Sport, just over 7 months old, and it cost me AU$120,000... mind you in North America this car doesn't cost anywhere near that much. That said, my best mate has a saying about our area of town, 'When you live in the Western Suburbs and drive a car worth more than 100k you get to make your…
Reading is fundamental.
There is nothing special about that car. Believe me when I tell you that the interior of the Holden Caprice, let's call it what it is, is nothing to write home about. the plastics in that vehicle made me wonder why any one would purchase it. That said, the yank version isn't all that pretty on the outside but you…
The Commodore, or 'commondore' as you've adequately stated, is well and truly engrained in bogan, especially 'cashed up bogan', culture. When ever you see an SS, SSV, V, or Maloo/Thunder variant it's generally polluting the atmosphere with an unnecessarily loud exhaust system, or squealing up and down [x] road in…
I updated today with no issues, however, my flatmate's computer has shat itself and it's a pity we didn't see this 20 mins ago.
Americans see this car and think 'awesome', I see this car and think 'bogans'.
Yea I was just joshing and playing off all the bs that this 'is not' supposed to be a prequel to Alien or whatever non-sense he's spewing. So, figured I'd go with wow, they completely ripped the design off SG.
I couldn't help but think that there was just a little bit of 'Ori' in the Engineers ship design.
Exactly right, it's not as if they don't have the money and technological resources.