The movie is like Mars Attacks, utter ridiculous and doesn't try to take itself serious in the slightest. I highly recommend watching it with a few mates, with a few ciders/beers and enjoy.
The movie is like Mars Attacks, utter ridiculous and doesn't try to take itself serious in the slightest. I highly recommend watching it with a few mates, with a few ciders/beers and enjoy.
That's not necessarily true, you can be innovative with an existing product however, I do believe that you are correct in stating that there is a patent on facial unlocking and it belongs to HTC.
Yea I agree, that synopsis was utter rubbish and I feel as it's something a few 7 year olds thought up on a Sunday afternoon whilst playing in the backyard and taking a few breaks to say how awesome this would be.
Exactly right.
Negative, Apple hasn't seen fit to be innovative with the unlocking procedure by giving us something along the lines of gesture of facial unlocking options.
Wow, this is well and truly the universe righting it self. I really don't care about the driver or the passengers of the vehicle, I just hope that no one driving with reasonable skill and care for other motorists were injured by these idiots.
Just seeing Calcifer makes me want to pull out my Howl's DVD, if only I could will myself from the couch.
That's obviously sarcasm, however, often enough it's the threat that will garner the result you're after. So basically what I'm saying is pull your content, and Fox has a great deal of content; Faux News, Fox, FX and so forth, and DN's customer base may leave for much more diverse pastures. Additionally, if more…
Silly lawsuit when it seems that the simple solution here would be for Fox to pull all of its content from Dish, assuming that is that they are contracted for the next 50 years to provide any content at all.
This movie isn't going to be everyone's cuppa tea, heck, it took me a few sittings to get through for various reasons. However, that said, I actually enjoyed it and would watch it again with a mate who hasn't seen it.
As a Mac user my default browser is Safari, however, I generally have Chrome running as well. Camino aside, because Mozilla drug their proverbial heals on giving Firefox native Mac commands, I ignored it and went with Chrome when it was released.
This was by far the worst series of them all, hopefully the next will prove much more exciting and we'll get some answers as to why Cas ditched dean.
I agree and especially felt that way when Aqualad showed up as a 'bad' guy resulting in a lot of 'wf is going' on from my end. The way they've decided to fast forward this story makes me feel as if the show won't be around for another series [season].
+1 My thoughts exactly.
Well let's not forget that Doom is hell arrogant and the sort of tactic you describe is not beyond him. However, that said, maybe he will rise again later in the season along side the Future Emperor who keeps being shown in small clips. Remember he knew of this invasion and I wouldn't be surprised is he doesn't have…
Interesting doco, I managed to get though at least half of it before giving into the urge to fast forward though the remainder. Whilst these people seem to believe what they are saying, I get the feeling that their claims of the drugs effect may be a tad bit exaggerated.
Exactly right. In the first episode of the season Dr Doom, after effectively wiping the floor with the team, revealed to an empty room that Ms Fantastic is not who she appears to be.
Let's hope so because the iOS map application is rubbish compared to the one offered by Google on Android devices..
It's interesting how things don't annoy you until someone else brings it up. I never gave a thought to the elastic scrolling effect until I read this article and then all I could think is, 'Wow, that is pretty annoying.'
You are correct, what you are saying now was not expressed in your previous comment. However, I agree to an extent and will state that in retrospect I should have stated that his comment was simply ignorant. I am an expert at inference and occasionally pulling someone's intention out of thin air, I do it on a daily…