To be frank it took me 3 or 4 times to watch it as well. It's hell slow and Kirsten D's character is annoying and frak which only adds to the watchability difficulty.
To be frank it took me 3 or 4 times to watch it as well. It's hell slow and Kirsten D's character is annoying and frak which only adds to the watchability difficulty.
You should ensure that she doesn't watch Melancholia.
I'm going to go with the Google video being better. Moreover, I could actually see Google actually managing to eventually put a product of this nature, but not Nokia who wouldn't know innovation these days if it was beating it senseless with a log of Hungarian salami.
#Correction | 'should [not] be on the list...
Not to continue to beat a dead horse, but I really wish Acura would resurrect the single bar grill. That beak is the most hideous thing in the business now that Lincoln's grill has been made, for all intensive purposes, less ugly [ref 2014 MRZ]
Agreed. I still hate that buck tooth grill, but the remainder of the car looks nice.
I say TSXk to their comments dude, as I completely agree with your original post.
Although I don't agree with your percentage breakdown, I do agree with the general premise. There are way too many people who are registered sex offenders who, in reality, should be on the last but for poorly written/applied laws are.
This bring back memories. I actually have a picture of me at the age of about 2 playing with the celebrity model in Ivory.
After seeing the first one I was, like most people I presume, absolutely surprised that they would make another. That said, knowing that it would more than likely be utter rubbish I classified this as a torrent flick as I am unwilling to waste $18.50 for a ticket, but am more than willing to waste bandwidth.
Althigh I use the Queens English on a normal basis, when dealing with Yanks I make sure that the spellcheck hasn't made any spelling errors by changing anything to Americanised English.
#correction: We apologise...
1984 is exactly what came to my mind as well.
I'm just going to throw out there that I would not be surprised if it is revealed that the reason behind Finn's 'death wish' revolves around a mistaken belief that after all this time his beloved 'Tess from Smallville' 'has gone from this place' [name that movie].
Series 7 with the Leviathans has been an utter letdown. I keep hoping that each will be the week when something interesting happens, i.e. Cas coming back, but alas it never does and I'm starting to get a Torchwood Miracle Day vibe here. I'm just going to throw it out there, but Supernatural could take a few clues…
Just how would the Hulk escape being thrown into the sun which, mind you, has no surface.
Ok, glad to see that I'm not the only person who realises how ridiculous this policy is.
Having the power of one million exploding suns and actually being thrown into the sun are two different things because at the end of the day the sun is a force of nature and there is no fighting against that.