aleph Ruehl

I actually like the way this car looks.

At this point it's really time to just get over the 'give it a real name' bs because it's not happening. Car companies in mass have been moving away from names so for the love of Hera, just get the frak over it.

I'd like to see Thor vs Storm. I recon they'd make the cutest little crazy powerful demigod brown babies.

The video of this building collapsing is what immediately crossed my mind.

That concept is a few years old and rumour has it that the current Commodore, upon which that never-realised Monaro is based, is the last of it's kind and we will recieve some 'world car' as it's replacement. I'd wager that this new concept may just be the new 'world car' that is supposed to replace the Commodore and

Too true. I made a similiar comment whilst watching a power ranger [horrible show] rerun just the other day. I commented to my mate that everytime they do battle they cause an insane amoiunt of damage to the surrounging buildings, and then questions exactly where does the money come to make all the constant repairs.

Hybrid sharks you say... takes me back to 1994,

True, however to that I'l state that Magneto is the only person I recall utilising 'Homo-Superior' to describe mutants; an obvious take on his belief that mutants are superior to 'Homo-Sapiens'. So it was never utalised to truly descrive mutats by any fictitional scitenfic community, just a slightly demented 'freedom

You're correct in stating in the 'real world', but we're talking about fantasy not reality so certain liberaties can be taken and, as evident, quite frequently are. The fact of the matter is that Marvel's lawyers argument/assertion, which is in line with what I've stated, is flawed on a nymber of levels. However, as

Apoclypse one stated to Graydon Creed [human], 'I am as far beyond mutant, as they are beyond you!'; and Magneto constanly informs the puclic that mutants are Homo-superior, not homo-sapiens.

+1 for Superman Red Son reference.

All that is well and good but I'm going to go with the notion that by the time the sun burns out humans will have evolved into beings of pure energy like the pice of deliciousness pictured left. As far as 'higher level' beings go, she's much more pleasing to the eye than Dr Manhattan.

Total Rectal.

In the CBD there's an IMAX, abovementioned, and one at the casino. The IMAX obviously doesn't show everything and when thinking of cinemas outside of the CBD you have to factor in other peoples travel time and the fact that the CBD is middle ground.

Chocobo please.

I went to uni in Orlando many moons ago, Go Knights, and I recognise that as Colonial Drive... the fact they mentioned Fashion Square Mall illuded to that. Either way, that being Colonial Drive, where exactly did he think he was going to escape to. There is absolutely no where in that area to dump the vehicle and

What pisses me off if when a cenima only offers a movie in 3D, I'm talking about you Hoyts Sydney CBD. I wear glasses and it's a bit of a pain in the arse to wear those things.


I want to know when Google Voice will finally be properly released in countries outside of Canada and the US. I managed to download it by setting up a North American account and use it to sms my mates in Canada and the States. But frak me, can we please have the still absent iPhone app and GV number.

Frak me, 14 December 2012... ages away.