aleph Ruehl

How has no one submitted Ron Perlman.

If they figure out a way to enable you to discreetly cycle though the heads-up information these lenses will be a great cheeting tool for high school and uni students.

In all honesty all I care about is whether Kinect will be fully intergrated into this release.

If I had the capacity to be embarrassed this would be one of those moments. However, since I don't, I am just going to man up and apologise because I completely missed that.

Do not want. I don't care how many blokes they place in the adverts driving this thing it will always be a 'chick car' in my eyes.

You statement is utterly flaued and which I'm going to assume you're no doubt aware. 'Metre' is how all English speaking countries spell the word save for the US wherein it's spelled 'meter'. Both are correct and that issue is undebatable. For you to liken the manner in which metre/meter is spelled in British vs

No, don't throw the 'this is a US based website argument around to excuse poor grammer. How you decide to spell metre/meter is irrelevant, what's not justifiable is stating '10,000 square foot', when the plural and proper way to make the statement is '10,000 square feet'.

I think I'll stick with 'Snow White and the Huntsman' because that looks pretty rad and Ms Theron looks all kinds of delicious.

No mate, definitely meant 'metres', only American's spell it incorrectly. I was correcting 'foot' vs 'feet'.

I'm feeling a whole lot of 'meh' with these combo's because it appears that they require an appointant who isn't actually fighting back.

I believe you meant, 'Square METERES not [feet].'

I obviously, one would think, was not referring to the last few minutes in which Crawley finally showed up in the last episode to air, rather the series in general. If you reread my statement you'll see that I've stated that his reappearance and conversation with the head leviathan would flow into a much more

I look at the woman yelling professing that the owners of the truck are 'training' their children wrongly, and all I can think is what type of example if this lard arse to her kids.

This episode, like so many others this series, is chopped full of 'meh'. When Crowley showed up and had a 'conversation' with the head LV, I thought things were going to pick up. But alas I'm left patiently waiting for some serious ass kickery.

Yea, I'm pretty keen for this film to be released as well.

To be fair, Greeks are generally more olive toned.

I agree with everything you've stated above.

Agreed, I've used Vuze/Azureus since 2008 and see no reason to change.

And I, like most Australians I suspect, am completely uninterested in inheriting American cultural mores with respect to what should be regarded as racist. And Americans should get over judging other cultures by American cultural values.

I'm done with this because you obviously don't understand that you can't an argument against something that was never said and then offer up a link to some random link regarding minstreal shows which is only at subject because you keep raising it.