aleph Ruehl

What I wouldn't give for the Mortal Kombat Guys to now do Killer Instinct x Mortal Kombat, but with the Killer Instinct combo system. Heck, I'd even take Street Fighter vs Killer Instince if it had the KI system. One can only dream.

You would think that it would go without saying that Giz shouldn't be criticising another site for their choice of design given the monstrosity they turned this one into. Sadly, it appears that has also recently fallen prey to unfortunate layout that's spread through the Gawkersphere like HPV though a

Agreed. I think Apple and Google are two of the most important technology companies of our generation, if not the two most important.

Considering how stupid he was to use duct tape, I reckon he probably had personal photo's on the camera as well. Honestly wouldn't surprise me.

Damn it, that's exactly exactly what I was thinking. How can the legislative and judicial system really justify giving someone that much time for something like this when not only rapists and kiddie fiddlers receive only a fraction of that time, but persons convicted of manslaughter and murder as well.

Will it be somewhere around $9.99 and available in the Apple iBook store?

I was specifically looking for a comment of this nature because that's exactly what I was thinking.

These are questions I too have asked and til this day no one has produced even a slightest answer. Surely zombies can't still be around after that much time.

Yea, this episode was basically crap.

If it weren't for lifehacker I would never check for iPhone updates.

By the gods that was horrible. They were definitely right to recast and I actually don't mind the current Tara. I don't think the problem is the current actresses acting, rather the character herself is just hell annoying

Yea I know he's average among Q's, but given the fact that Q's can literally do anything, save for a-sexual procreation, they pretty much meet the general/mythological definition of a god. Further, on the procreation note: procreation with other gods or humans is generally the norm. There are very few examples, in

I think Q is awesome and he's actually my favourite ST character. That said, I would have likened him more to a 'god' than a wizard.

for the last three days or so I've utalised the new design and while I thought it was interesting at first, I've come to hate it. So, that said, I agree, this update is crap and I hope they don't shove it down our throats... but I won't wait with bated breath.

No Safari support... sigh.

Too bad they didn't get rid of Gwen's husband.... geeze I hate that bloke.



I concur.

Yea I'm still rather livid they tanked SGU, however, at least they've brought back Eureka. Let the torrenting commence... or continue really.