aleph Ruehl

@Pissed Off PC Gamer: 'Descendants of criminals' really only applies to a percentage of the population of Sydney... for the most part. Melbourne, Perth, etc, were not 'settled' by criminals and there is a large immigrant population which has yielded first gen Aussies, like myself whose parental units are from Canada

@Rolfmaomachizlin: In a nut shell FF has always used windows type keyboard shortcuts rather than Safari'ish shortcuts. That is, unless you were using Mozilla based Camino. Chrome on the other hand uses Safari keyboard short cuts, save for tab switching which is CMD+Shift+Arrow key in Safari, and CMD+Opt+Arrow key in

@Rolfmaomachizlin: Chrome can be a bit annoying but I use it as a second browser to Safari because FF does not, and never has, really played nice with Mac controls.

@MHTSOS: I'm in Perth mate. Lol, was drinking [heavily] Tuesday and went on a delicious fish and chip ['fush and chup' for any NZ'ers reading this] run at the end of the night only to have them just close. It was a sad time for us.

Bounce is also a great car freshener. Leave a sheet in your car on a warm day and your car will smell of awesomeness.

@MHTSOS: Lol, I am in Aus and it makes complete sense. My best mate is a 'wog' of the Greek variety. I evern saw Wog Boy 2.

Looks like someone should have diversified their money.

@MHTSOS: But they pull it off so well.

@Standish: That's not true. There are some kids who need and deserve a good hiding full stop. We all see little c'words int he shopping centres screaming, crying, etc and telling their parents what they aren't going to do. Those kids, those kids need to be spanked.

That was pretty funny but I don't condone his use of the pictures allegedly sent to the accused by females who had no idea that their images would be presented at a conference and then to the world. You could argue that they should have never took and sent the photos, but it's weak when you conider that he made a

Messy people should be glad to live with a 'neat freak' because they will maintain the home regargless. In my place if I didn't clean religiously my flatmate would let it go to shambles and we'd live in utter filth. My god you should see his room.... it's like looking at Joan Rivers' vagina.

@venc: 'No suit' = 'birthday suit'

@ingolstadt: 'You americans did so to deviate yourself from other past british colonies.' So true, but it's one of the many reasons we love the Yanks. Being different for the sake of being different is definitely an American trait.

@Irving94: That is the first TFlash watch I's actually purchase if it goes into production.

@Arken: 'UWA' is a reference to my university so it's supposed to be capitalised. But, that said, I'm obviously the only person who completely missed the joke.

This thing isn't supposed to have Flash memory much like the Air right? If so why the heck is it so chunky.

@Arken: You mean someone who obviously abuses capitalised letters.

@HackingManual.Net: Exactly, I just don't see the point of this. I can already make free phone calls to other Skype users regardless of where they are, etc.

The recorder should have read this Gizmodo PSA entitled, 'Please Turn Your Damn Cellphone Sideways When Recording Video'.