Victor Mature

Ass to ass!


Probably just what Bob's reading between scenes.

YOUR Spartan existence!

Lady Gaga's Breath Will Take Your Mansion Away

Mmmmm…hot dogs…

They're going to be suffering through some interminable jams.

Your Dad's a shmuck.


Just toilet paper the joint.

Yes, that was my first worry as well!

They won't hear it at a Dylan show.

If she hadn't, Marky Mark would have gotten around to it.

This would be a funnier movie if Perry Farrell played Reagan.

Geez, he could do that funny voice he does!

Lookout, Honey, 'cause I'm usin' technology!

That would stop racism immediately.

The quality of mercy.

That's One way to do it.

She more a dry-cured little number.