
Why do I think one of the “amenities” in this place is hidden cameras? Waiting for the “Real TechNerds of WeLive” TV show to debut on Spike any moment now.

I’ll hug you. I love your screen name.

He already IS a sack of toads.

This. I’m totally waiting for the big ol’ “Michelle Fields propositioned Corey cuz she’s a slut, you can tell because she’s got a vagina, and Michelle Fields was angry when Corey, who is nothing but a gentleman — right, Corey? — turned her down. He didn’t even say “HELL NO” or “NO FUCKING WAY” like I would’ve. He just

HAHAHAHA. I could never figure out how to describe that thing he wore over his eyes, and it was VERY distracting. “Banana clip” is truly perfect.

“MAKE THE DAMN BABY WEAR A CREEPY-ASS WIG” is not a phrase I will soon forget, as I am snort-laughing so loud I can probably be heard three houses over.

All of this is true.

“She’s Having A Baby.”’Alec Baldwin is oh yes. Kevin Bacon in the lead is duuuuuuull.

Exactly my thought. If this is how even SOME OF US are, we should all just end it right now.

I speak a rare, practically extinct language called Real People Talk. I’m going to translate this MacKinney lady right now:

I hate to be a spoilsport, and I love this story, but it’s maybe not a good dea to use a photo of some random lady in a screening line with a headline about a cocaine lady. I mean, random lady might have a privacy/libel claim.

My very first thought! Now everyone can look as if they live in the Capital!!!!

Shit! You’re right! “How Will I Know” is the song I was thinking of! An 80s dance jam. Whitney had the pipes, but just not a lot of ... heart, in her vocals. Which is sad, because she got her start in church, and I can only think that Big Radio over-produced it out of her.

OMG, this would have been perfect. Siiiiigh. (I guess I’m really old now. Wishing for song versions sung by masters who have been dead for decades.)

This is my exact thought on this song. I’ve thought this forever — and I grew up around Dolly’s music, and Whitney’s music was the top of the charts when I was in high school. Dolly’s version is heart and soul — Whitney’s version is technical perfection and sublime ‘80s gloss. For me, Whitney’s iconic song is “Let’s

It is not “forcible rape” because the victim did not resist. But he put his fingers and his penis inside her vagina. Because of NH consent laws, that fact means that he is guilty of misdemeanor sexual assault. In addition, he is guilty of a directly related felony.

Bummer for him. Maybe it’s a teachable moment for his fellow bros. Or maybe not. At the least, school officials now have a clue about the venerable old rep-tie tradition of Ye Olde “Senior Salute.” Maybe they could devote a couple Wednesday night chapel sermons to the issue of sexual consent. Or maybe not.

I’m telling you what the criminal code says. NH laws are NH laws. Their consent laws are strict. I don’t live in NH, and I’m not Owen Labrie, nor am I a freshman girl who goes to school with him and his prep-bro predator cohorts.

If 15yos and 18yos have the same decision-making skills and should be both regarded as adults, I guess we should send 15yos off to war and let them vote, then.

You should be telling New Hampshire criminal code to “C’mon” — it is rape because of the state’s consent laws.