
I had suddenly left a job one summer. And my wife told me her family had rented a shore house for 2 weeks. And I was more than welcome to come down for a few days. I was 26 years old. As I walk I to the house, her dad stops because I have a case of beer. He informs me that beer or any alcohol is not welcomed into the

I’m not sure if this counts because technically the vacation was amazing, but I dropped my plane ticket in a canal running to catch the bus to the airport when I spent a week in Amsterdam during college.

My dad’s family had been going to this rinky-dink set of cabins in rural Wisconsin for generations. By the time I was a ‘tween in the 90s, they’d at least been retrofitted with electricity, but you still had to use an outhouse. The nearby lake was great, but my fond summertime memories of bonfires, tubing, and jumping

My family once decided to drive almost 2.500 miles from Fairbanks, Alaska to a small town in Eastern Washington. We were going to my uncle’s wedding. Taking advantage of the fact the whole family was getting together, there was an intervention planned the day before for another uncle who was an alcoholic. On one hand

So, my mom was the big organizer in our family, and always organized our various trips. Spring Break was always a tricky one, because it usually happened during my brother’s birthday, and it’s also a time of year when the weather can do literally anything. In NorCal, the coast is usually a fine bet, and we spent

To paraphrase what someone said on Twitter, we should not concern ourselves with performative outrage from people who screech about socialism and make comparisons to Stalin over efforts to clean up coal plant emissions and expand health care access.

Gaslighting chickenshits. Their words are as empty as their eyes.

This brings back memories of the “enhanced interrogation” debacle. The GOP is a party of chickenshits.

It used to, before Trump. 

Aside from how batshit this all is, he never said anything about it being off the record.

Every day should start with a story like this.

Its a numbers game. It always has been.

At the end of eighth grade I had a falling out with my friend group. We by far weren’t the ‘top dog’ clique but I’d say we were somewhere B or C range? My alleged best friend had a crush on this guy that had no idea she existed, but he suddenly had noticed I existed and was very interested. This of course got me

Maybe you’re remembering Gloria Estefan’s tour bus crash, which resulted in her having some pretty significant back injuries.

I lost my shit when my sister called me a bridezilla.

i gave a quick glance and sorry if already mentioned and i missed it but this is Brian Williams all over again and she might be placing herself in someone else’s memory...

Sweet babeee jeebus...that made me HOOOOWL!!!

Yeah, that’s gonna be a ‘No’ from me dog.

Also, as somebody from a, um, “flyover state” . . . I’ve gotten used to the fact that many people have very fuzzy grasps on their geography. It’s possible Paula Abdul got Iowa confused with Nebraska or Kansas. It happens.

I have a friend who used to manage a Starbucks in LA and she said Paula used to call at least twice a week trying to order Chinese food, so...