
Who the fuck told this fartnugget that this was going to work?

Let’s call Trump’s declaration of a purported “national emergency” to get his wall built what it really is...

Words have no meaning.

GUYS! Using the constitution is now UNCONSTITUTIONAL and an attack on the constitution.

You can tell he’s been repeatedly coached-up on the talking points and then goes out there and gets immediately lost and just randomly tries to hit those points he remembers.

They just played the “speech” on the radio as I was driving home - genuinely, I thought that was Alec Baldwin! On a scale of “gibbering drooling lobotomy patient” to 10, he sounded like he’d finally managed to enter negative figures.

They already do this. A quick Google search pulls up a number of cases where rap lyrics were used as proof of intent at trial against non-white criminal defendants.

It’s especially insane because the two reasons I’ve seen most often for why yoga pants are “bad” are: 1) the thin fabric makes you look too sexy, and 2) women who go out in athleisure don’t care about their appearance.

I’ve hated Ryan Adams since he remade Taylor Swift’s album and so many music critics were like, “Wow it’s so good and deep now that a SENSITIVE MAN is performing it.”.

He has malignant narcissism written all over him. This is all very unshocking.

That statement at the end...that’s the sort of thing abusers say. Several women, from across the spectrum of age, location, and career status, including his ex-wife, do not just make shit up to shit on him. I’m sure he thinks that, but he’s clearly delusional.

I saw Phoebe Bridgers just last night and before playing Motion Sickness she said “this song is about the worst person in the world.”I knew he was a total scumbag to her but I didn’t realise he was such an abusive shithead. 

I agree with you on most of this, but the world doesn't really need any more Mandy Moore music. 

Completely not shocked by this at all, I’ve been told by musician friends that he’s a major asshole. I just hope this means Mandy Moore can move on and start making music again.

Slap a B in front of his name as the ultimate fuck you.

THANK YOU! The real issue here is why someone who was dishonorably discharged from the military was able to legally obtain a firearm. 

Hi! Attorney, here. From a First Amendment and law enforcement perspective (and based purely on the information I have here), this is a bit of a borderline case - though I agree with the other commenters that if the man had been black/brown or had a Muslim-sounding name, they more likely would have “erred” on the side

Yeah, that doesn’t work here. There are toxic men of every political stripe, if you aren’t looking at your own side too you’re ignoring half the problem

A friend of mine calls this ‘the first victim is free’ policing strategy.

When are crimes like this going to be categorized has hate crimes? It says a lot about us as a society that we are so used to violence against women that it’s not considered a hate crime even if it targets women for being women.