
I think they do that so the males don’t rape the shit out of the swimmers.

Yup, that interview was bought and paid for.

I should have a say in whether he gets a vasectomy by that flawless logic.

“As David French put itin the National Review, when he sees “activists” trying to “destroy” Covington boys, he thinks: “That could be my son.”

What’s it like being this naive in TYOOL 2019?

Yes, he does deserve vitriol and it is a product of his current generation. Every teenager has a phone, every phone has a camera, and every camera is pointed at whatever drama it can capture. He was being an entitled little prick on camera and pretending that he was scared is not believable.

Why would you talk to those men? Why would you stay there with those men there? Did you like the attention? Do you enjoy that kind of attention from men? Did you want that to happen to you?

Keep in mind through all of this that there is a high-powered GOP-linked PR firm behind everything coming from the family and school since the story broke. It’s a firm connected to Mitch McConnell. None of this is an accident or some “natural evolution” of the story.

I once had a student get very mad at me because I wouldn’t let him write a stakeholder research paper on why abortion should be illegal. To be clear, the stakeholder paper requires the writer to be tangibly affected in a real, demonstrable way by whatever issue is at stake in the paper. I’ve had students write great

If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!

Yet another “I wish I had not gotten called out for my actions. I was under the impression as a well-to-do white male I could do whatever I wanted.”

I know he’s just a kid but fuck him and his victimhood. He knew exactly what he was doing and has zero remorse. 

Sandmann explained: His classmates, are not “racist people,” they—like he—come from a school that does not “tolerate racism.”

“After all, it’s not like the Indians are from here. More proof we need a wall.”

I know, right! They took the baby out of me, and then plopped him in my arms and as my husband pulled up the car, I thought....wait, no, can’t we ease in to this? I hadn’t changed a diaper since I was a 12-year-old babysitter! The most amazing thing though - WE LEARNED HOW TO DO ALL OF IT. That fake helplessness is

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.” The funny thing about experience is that you do not obtain it unless you bother to do it!

Men convincing women that they are just too “inept” to care for the children they helped bring into the world is one of the oldest and most successful long-cons ever invented.

I used to really like him, but after I saw that he’d had Tony Robbins on his podcast and then sang TR’s praises up to the heavens, I completely soured on him. Tony Robbins is a garbage misogynist/human, and deserves zero praise.

Oof, I don’t even plan on having kids and this makes me mad. Not even just at Russell Brand in particular, but at the many, many well-meaning...sort of...dads who adhere to this line of thinking.

My 80 year old dad never changed a diaper or spent much time with us. He is now so consumed with guilt and regret, and often talks about the great relationships my brothers have with their kids. He’s trying really hard with the grandkids, but gets pretty overwhelmed with the younger ones, because he never learned any