
If having women in leadership positions in the armed services and the defense industry helps us rethink some assumptions about how we engage in conflict, possibly leading to more humane outcomes

Uh, no, I already wrote Great Gatsby fanfiction. In tenth grade English we had an assignment to write a crossover basically. I wrote Gatsby/Ender’s Game. I was a goddamned genius, folks.

By this

7600 lies in a year. That’s... that’s just crazy.

Given the BS that spews from his ugly maw, it almost seems low.


Donald Trump lied more than 7,600 times in 2018”

I’ll just be happy if we still have books in the future, at least books that we don’t have to burn to survive.

I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall.

Yaye! Let’s build a metaphor!

I moved to Norway in July 2017, relieved to have escaped this nit wit. Now I’m in a huge depression due to homesickness and isolation and cannot wait to come home.

Then I read this and wonder if I’ll quickly regret this decision and be kicking myself for giving up my visa. Fuck this guy for making moving back home to a

This fucker is sending out irrational tweets between 5:00 am and 3:00 in the afternoon. We are indeed fucked.

It’s hilarious that the neighbour mentions that the fence is “tastefully done”

Well, I barfed. So there’s that.

Spoiler- The Obama home does not have a 10 ft wall surrounding it.

All in all you’re just another Brick in the Wall. Or fence. Or barrier. Or maybe just a symbol. Can I have some pudding now?

I do not get for the life of me why women’s health is treated like it’s so icky, or that women are infectuous diseases for being anything beyond fuck bunnies.

Oh my hell, the comments to the NYT piece! “You chose to have children so quit yer bitchin!!” “I am single and nobody thinks about us!” “yes, everyone hates us moms!” “I am a man and everything having to do with women is reverse sexism!”

I love a good Feminism Conversion story.