Bobololo23 is waiting for the FT86 to come

Support, he was one of those citrus growers.

I think that was Emerson Fittipaldi when he won Indy for Penske. He drank it to(i think) promote Brazil’s fruit exports.

This is NOT Boaty McBoatface. It doesn’t even have a boat face. Why are er trying to give Subby McSubface such a misfitting name! Just think of the humiliation that will occur in Middle School. #Outrage

That ROV isn’t even a boat! It should be Droney McDronesub!!!!

Once again, the British Government demonstrates that they are a monarchy and is not representative of it’s citizens.


The frivolous lawsuit is a time honoured American tradition.


I’ll be honest, if I met Clarkson and he wasn't a jerk to me I'd probably be at least a little disapointed.

Correction: James May looks like a mass shooter, not a serial killer.

...I’m sorry but that’s a very unfortunately shaped, um, rocket.

Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, murder.

Planned obsolescence FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“To make the tune go backwards, you could still drive the car forwards.”

Fact: If you drive over it slowly in reverse it tells you to worship the devil

So it can ring ahead and warn the cops of an incoming Skyline to be seized!

When he owns 100% of the time on an aircraft, even an 757, he can call it HIS airplane.

Lol you mean like almost every Private Jet out there?

Don’t be a suicide bomber. Stay in school.