
That looks like a giant puppy playing in the snow. 

What’s frustrating is just like everything else today, this is being turned political. I couldn’t keep track of how fast people on FB were posting about the fact that wind turbines froze up - never mind that numerous coal and gas generators did so as well. Texas lost about 1/3 of it’s power generating capabilities and

They had to put their secession plans on hold in order to grovel to the US Government for help in their crisis. But don’t worry, they’ll go back to being insufferable once the snow melts.

In the before-times, perhaps. We live in a new era of no accountability for anything. A brave new world indeed. 

Where do these inbred imbeciles get the notion that “they” give Black people shit that we don’t work for? I’m going to keep saying it - I have worked my whole ass life and if there is free Black People Stuff, I want mine now! But none of these pus riddled moonshine swillers can tell me where this free stuff comes from

“It seems to me like they furnished them a house to live in. They furnished them clothes to put on their back. They furnished them food to put on their table and all they had to do was fucking work. And now we give ‘em all those things and don’t have to fucking work,” Allmond says.

He’s probably just that one bad apple I been hearing about


White people, racist, in America? YOU DON'T SAY?!!!

Don’t blame NASA. After the end of the Apollo program, a very conservative Congress came down hard on NASA and like almost all other beneficial government programs, proceeded to gut funding, enabled by Reagan.

Grifting Old Pricks?

If you’re not using an outdated version of Windows to support a legendary sports car, you’re just pissing in the wind. /hyperbole

Grifting is a core GOP value, now.

That would totally add injury to insult, and deservedly so. The story I heard is that she met some guy on FB, agreed to share a charter plane with him because she thought he was cute, but when they were in DC he hooked up with another woman - perhaps the other blonde in the picture? I can’t tell them apart, Texas GOP b

Jeez. Do we work for the same company? This is all to familiar 

I work in IT this is typical. IT will submit a request to move to a new software because license is expiring or end of life. accounting wont approve and then the day finally comes when that software is gone and NOW we get yelled at for “letting” this happen

Two jobs ago, on my first day, I was getting the tour of the office, and the devices I was supposed to support. We go into one of the printer rooms; and the corner, on a shelf of the table supporting the printers is this really old IBM DOS PC.

While minorities reach adulthood at 14.

Ah, yes, he’s just a 31-yr. old “boy” like the way the terrorists shouted about the death of a 35-yr. old terrorist “girl.”  Republicans only reach adulthood at, what, 50?  70?  Ever?

It was an honest mistake,” Beeler explained after being released