
He has to be mirroring Donald Trump on purpose, right? The similarities are so on the nose.

He is not even a savant, just a rich boy who failed up with dads apartheid money

Funny thing is.... I used to be interested in Tesla (in theory... it’s a tad outside my price range).  I’ll admit I had concerns about QC though.  Now, ain’t no way I’ll buy a Tesla.  Musk is just too fuckin’ crazy.  I mean I had no illusions he wasn’t a bit... off.  But that guy is just too Bond Villian-ie for my

Yes. You shouldn’t change lanes without checking your 6, and neither should a robovolvo. 

I don’t just want Carnival to suffer a temporary shutdown, I want that shitty company to go out of business for good. 

If you want to live in a world where nobody calls each other names for the utterly stupid choices they make, go ahead. I’d prefer to live in reality.

“isn’t good journalism” apparently now equivalent to “I don’t like thisand also “legal” == “not selfish” ?

Either pretty solid trolling or some hilarious high school Objectivism club ignorant hubris.

Yes it is his opinion, but I fail to see the issue there. I missed the memo that gave you authority to decide what pieces Jalopnik can put out.

Legally and safely are not the same thing. 

Selfishness doesn’t fly around these parts. If your “priorities” involve going out and doing dumb shit that ends up getting my grandmother (or me) sick, then yes, you are correct, I will shame and call you names. 

Can I get a ‘Hell Yeah’ going in the chat?

how bout we just shut down cruises forever?

Dirty Mike and the Boys- have been notified

That’s the way you get rid of negative equity, silly.

I’m pretty sure FCA is still using all Daimler’s old shit already.

How do you pronounce Daimler-Chrysler in German?  You pronounce the Daimler, the Chrysler is silent. 

Sounds like a merger of true equals. Calling the ghost of Mergio!!

We could call it...

Crazy idea, stay with me here. Daimler should merge with …. FCA!

Now we’re entering the phase where we need to get things opened back up, get the massive amount of unemployed back to work, and deal with the viral hotspots when they happen.