
My ability to care about large businesses unable to survive a bad quarter couldn’t be any lower.

1st Gear: You get a bailout! You get a bailout! Everybody gets a bailout!!

I dunno, man, but we gotta be like two minutes to fucking midnight here.  Fucking sucks.

2020 can fuck off already. 

Kristen coming into work this morning like

Hmm. Methinks you write off toilet paper too soon. What do you think will happen when all the peasants hired to wipe your anus inevitably revolt, your physical currency is hidden away in a Swiss bank vault when you’re frolicking in Aspen, hoarders took all the wet wipes and the crumbling world around us shuts off the

Goodbye FK.

You’ll be missed, Kristen. You’re an excellent writer and I’ve enjoyed your work here immensely. I wish you all the best.

The airlines and many other big businesses buy back shares for two reasons. 1) They are out of ideas on how to invest their profits into their business 2) Their CEOs need the share price to rise so they can make their bonuses. They were irresponsible with their cash reserves and they now expect everyone else to bail

didn’t hold reserves

Stock buybacks when you have debt on the books should just be illegal. Nobody who would be hurt by that rule doesn’t deserve it.

1st gear: Fuck ‘em. That’s capitalism, baby.

Neutral: On the one hand, air travel is usually vital to national infrastructure, and American airlines have competed with airlines propped up by the states they service for way too long. On the other hand, if you mismanage yourself this hard, the idea of capitalism is that you fail and anything that still works is

“I want a Tesla that’s worse than a Tesla and uglier.”

This take is dumb and wrong, and I know of multiple people now in California that have explicitly made vehicle buying decisions to avoid the companies that have sided with Trump. And yes, it is a signal they want to make dirtier car and skirt CARB.

Ultimately, it will limit choice and stifle development.

Perhaps a history lesson is in order for those who got hoodwinked.

“If you fragment regulation into a state-by-state basis, it will make it incredibly difficult and expensive to develop vehicles that comply with each regulatory environment. Ultimately, it will limit choice and stifle development.”

We already have a single standard. We all drive California spec cars. California will always have a higher standard and car manufacturers will always build to the highest spec. All Toyota, Subaru, GM, etc. are doing is signalling they want to build to a lower spec that the federal spec will definitely be. The issue