In Pittsburgh there was a saying when people were new in town: “What’s that smell?” (sniffs sulfur from mills) “Money.”
In Pittsburgh there was a saying when people were new in town: “What’s that smell?” (sniffs sulfur from mills) “Money.”
Apparently smog was what made america great. Who could have known?
Well assuming the courts do their jobs Trump can expect a royal beat down by trying to remove CA’s exemption through a regulatory process. The exemption is set into federal law, and by most accounts I’ve read, can only be removed via legislative action.
I grew up in Kaiser (ok, not literally, but you know what I mean.) It struck me as impersonal and inefficient and I opposed single payer because I pictured a giant Kaiser. Now middle aged, having had insurance in the private and public sectors in a number of states, I would happily welcome our Kaiser heathcare overlord…
Personally, I think that there is fraud going on.
Most of my extended family lives in NC but my parents live in WV. Their medical insurance requires everything to get done in WV unless absolutely necessary, but only with massive amounts of pre-approval. A few years ago my mom was visiting family in NC and fell ill. She went to the regional hospital for a few days and…
America’s biggest mistake was underestimating the funeral lobby.
Also: “But, but, but....stabbings are through the roof in England. Are you going to call for knife control?”
“But, but, but...Muslims are taking over neighborhoods and forcing Whites to pray to Allah before crossing Antifa Rd!”
LOL sometimes my Chihuahua tries to jump up onto the couch and misses. She could be Secretary of Education...
I dunno about all of that, but the absolute corruption that led to this ruling should have any real American up in arms.
You’d be amazed at how many Americans consider “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” to be a valid philosophy for life.
I have a friend that does this (she says so the dog doesn’t whine). I call shenanigans—so she’s willing to risk people having an allergy flare up on a plane so she can travel comfortably with her dog? That’s some nonsense thinking.
I do not understand how people tolerate dog friendly workplaces. If I wanted a dog, I’d get one of my own! I don’t need some jerk bringing his ~*~heckin cute doggo~*~ (we’re adults--can we talk like adults?) to my job, making everything smell like dog and so on.
best looking corolla in like 40yrs.
Keep your fucking pets at home fachrissakes. This has been a public service announcement.