
And she has a driver’s license.

This woman is among us, just walking around not noticing shit.

So Papa John lost his PR firm, and the PR firm had to lay off staff. So pretty much a lose-lose, which is also how I would describe paying for Papa John’s shitty pizza.

“I have a bigger turning radius than a longbox F350"

Goodyear’s negligence has killed people, and Jalopnik should report on every single aspect of this until they’re properly held to account for their actions.

I’ve blown out a front tire at seventy miles an hour on a four door Saab on the interstate, and let me tell you keeping that car from just careening off the road took every bit of strength and skill I had as a driver. I can’t IMAGINE what it would be like driving a big assed fucking RV.

When has that ever stopped them?

The one where Archer’s voicemail message was just an airhorn would be perfect for these dumbasses.

Jesus, what fucking monsters. Who leaves a voicemail when texting exists?

Thank you Toyota for reminding the world that luxury isn’t measured by how many buttons you can cram into a dash or a touchscreen UI.

at least it’s a real truck and not a crossover :p

I’m willing to look past the badge for a turbo AWD wagon. After 2018, no more of those from Subaru.

How about we steal your children?

Public officials can’t really be doxxed. Sorry. Kinda like saying “Don’t let people know how to contact Hitler. That’s a bad thing to do”. You should engage these political figures. ASAP

Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews

Remember folks doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with evil fascists.

Civil disobedience is how you change things dipshit. Protest is supposed to be confrontational.

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with nazis.

Bullshit. They go low, we step on their throats until they leanr to act human.