
The new S60 being revealed tomorrow is suppose to offer a legitimate Polestar T8 trim... it’s suppose to trickle down to the V60 too

That’s because it was

Well the Model 3 sucks when it comes to build quality. Is not nearly as well appointed. This is more on par with a Model S or even a Model X which the Jaguar still has better build quality than as well as a better dealer network. Reliability can’t be worse than a Tesla, that’s not really possible. Don’t get me wrong,

That 1st vehicle is killing it in weight savings. Doors and steering wheels are just useless dead weight.

Good. There’s nothing sadder than an overweight Polestar.

It could weigh 3 tons, have a range of 80 miles and I would still want it because its hopelessly pretty.

So basically sign up for CSR under 5/24 and use your Priority Pass Select to get access to marginal lounges like this one?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand contract lounges for budget carriers. The service is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the soft product will go over a typical guest’s head. There’s also the lounge’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the

If he was rich he would be stuck in the Airspace lounge.

Then what the fuck are the governments doing with the 20+% they’re taking from me already?

20 years ago you’d be dying in some crashes where today, you can open the door and get out of your vehicle without injury.

Well, we spend more on our defense budget than the next 11 countries combined, which includes all nuclear powers, declared or not (may not include israel but their population is 7.5 million). The government isnt allowed to negotiate with drug companies on medicare or medicaid pricing thanks to the GOP during the Bush

The problem is in this country corporations and the wealthy do not have to pay their fair share. Plus our tax rates are lower than countries with excellent infrastructure like Norway. You can’t pay a pittance, let those who owe a lot to not pay then expect the same greatness other places have.

bombing brown people and subsidizing rich people’s lifestyle

Goddamn that is a great gif!

“but rather want their taxes spent more wisely.”

That is so patently false it’s hilarious.

Bullshit. You assholes want to pay for the things you like and get a free ride on the rest.