God what a handsome vehicle.
God what a handsome vehicle.
Of course it has a name.... it’s German.
“We must name all ze parts” -The Germans
This is me every time it snows. I live in Seattle, i can basically get away with running summer tires all year round.
To be honest, the stability control did most of the work. You can hear it working.
Hahaha. Funny how people on this forum keep giving Ford grief over dropping small cars. It’s good to read a firsthand account on how bad the situation actually is.
My previous vehicle, a Corolla, was in Group A for the airbag recall. After over two years of waiting for parts to become available, I traded it in on a vehicle that didn’t have a fragmentation grenade in the steering wheel. Refusing me registration for over two years because there is literally nothing I can do to fix…
Y’know, you might have a point about making assumptions about young people with nice things, but it doesn’t really matter because you’re such a colossal douchebag that I’m inclined to oppose whatever you say anyway. Nice job, it takes effort to be that disagreeable.
Nobody likes the actual solutions, like stricter licensing and even tiered licensing that keeps brand new Mustangs with 300-400 hp out of the hands of 18 year olds.
Wow, a third motherfucker.
Hey Justin, I think a little more clarity would be appropriate.
As a relatively young driver, I can firmly say that’s no fucking excuse.
I hope they get run over by a car.
After all is said and done, I cannot do without asking myself how a couple of 18 y.o. boys can have in their hand a 2018 supercar that costs more than my yearly salary. Sure they’re not honest 8 to 5 factory workers.
How dare she want to cross the street in a 40mph zone with two cars racing towards her. “The race ended with the death of a 24-year-old mother struck while pushing her stroller across the boulevard, according to Tampa police.”
From the description, the alternative is walking a mile to a crosswalk. In hindsight, yes, easy to say she should have done so. In practice, I’m sure she’s not the first.
very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.
Probably related to the speed rating of the tires.
Back in PR, I worked about 70 miles from home (other side of the island), so I had a small apartment I’d stay at close to work. There was a student who lived next door for a few months, and one day she showed up with a different car.
I’m glad there were other witnesses on the scene who detained the fleeing suspect until the cops arrived, unlike worthless Matthew Santoro whose priority was to film the incident for Twitter likes.