
I don’t understand why anything Alpina is even offered in any color besides green.

i would fuck my dad for the B6 Touring

What is going on with these seat belts in the back seat? Is there a middle seat? It doesn’t look like it, but that third seat belt has to exist for some reason.

“Alright girls, I want a quarter of you to look pleased you’re here, another quarter to look somewhat surprised, and the last half hold your hands near your head in a way that says “statutory, what’s that mean??”

Pictured: Real Man™

Women and children first, please! Arrange for the orchestra and tea so that we may escape with dignity.

Kinja Hall of Fame right here folks.

It’s OK. I understand. I don’t want it either.


Fancy Kristen,

Yep, no significant changes in decades. His 240->Sylvia conversion was incredibly smog illegal for road use 20 years ago and is now, he’s just complaining that it’s harder to find a guy to illegally smog it now.

I love how everyone else in the country just loves to hate em’ some California... Yes- its just hell on earth over here. Our economy is 7th largest in the world alone, above Italy and Russia. A whole shit ton of people keep moving here ( because of job opportunities) and when it comes to famous stuff like Apple,

median household income in the US is less than $60k

I know right, all these people saying they don’t care because they live in a different state have no idea how product planning and product development are done. Believe me, CARB impacts the entire US market.

California is the biggest car market in the US, trust me, what they decide to do effects everyone.

Yup. As a state we have a bigger economy than all but 5 countries I believe. The Bay Area alone is bigger than most states. Yes, we have wonky laws and regulations, but I don’t see CA crumbling away anytime soon.

And maybe their air will go from worst to best. I like cars but 1) electric doesn’t necessarily mean the range will be less than combustion only 2) that the car has to be less fun or compelling or 3) I like air better than I like cars. Go live in China for a year like I did and see how you feel about ways to innovate