
I was waiting for the “dont speed and you wont get a ticket” guy to post this comment.

One of my favorite memories racing online in Forza 4 was a race on the Nurburgring, when a couple players in the lobby chose Hummers at the last second. Usually that meant griefers, but these guys ran a clean race and were somehow even fun to dice with. I was so pleasantly surprised that I sent them a message after

Once, some blonde lady was sitting across from me waiting to board a flight. She had some rat looking dog in her purse and was positively beaming at everyone waiting for the adulations to come streaming in. Pretty much everyone was staring at her with dread. I know I was thinking, “Do not sit me next to those bitches.”

There is also the phenomena of people getting fake documents or doctor shopping so they can bring their pets everywhere.

My friend has an “emotional support” dog..and for her it’s definitely a “thing”. She’s also an asshole’s not shocking she feels her & “Fluffy” shouldn’t be apart.

I have a hopefully non-trollish question. I travel pretty frequently and have seen a ton of emotional support dogs in the past year, where maybe I had seen one or two.

If there’s one thing I learned from the demo, it’s that truck racing is going to be an absolutely glorious shit show online. I can’t wait!

I’m allergic to a lot of stuff, but you know what I don’t have on me? A “health certificate.” Wtf. Should I have a placard with me at all times? Where do I obtain my diploma stating I’m allergic to latex?

If you have a “life threatening” allergy to dogs wouldn’t you want to get off the plane.

You don’t get to write a comment like that and then try and play moderate after you get called out on it. No one is going to fall for it.

I didn’t think humanitarian aid after a massive disaster was “political bullshit”, but apparently even helping other human beings is now partisan.

The Jones Act is a shipping law which, briefly, mandates that any shipping of people or cargo between two U.S. ports must be done with an American ship to avoid tax and tariff penalties.

why are you

The Jones Act is terrible. It’s a major reason that Puerto Rico is bankrupt. The island could be a major shipping and trading hub, but it’s precluded from earning a living. Then what is supposed to drive its economy? Tourism alone isn’t enough.

These peole have been preyed upon by hedge fund crowd, the weather, and our shameful government. I urge Cuba to look at what happens to friends of America and even its own citizens, as relations move forward. We are not an honorable nation. Just dirty deeds done cheap.

Electric lawn mowers are where it is at. For 2 reasons. 1. The emissions from small engines is just nasty. Just the smell alone bothers me. 2. They are some much simpler to maintain. I’ve never had a lawn mower where I’m not always futzing with the engine.

Sort of like “forcing” renewable energy has driven costs up?

Oh, wait...

1st Gear:

And it will lead to the mass adoption of the battery powered lawn mower, enabling suburb teens of tomorrow to oversleep peacefully.

I think its entirely necessary for ICE cars to be banned eventually. It saddens me but its the right move. It will help boost EV sales in turn making them cheaper to produce and help fund further EV development. Its better for the environment, and reduces noise pollution in cities. Apart for Big Oil and Jalops, its