There are 17 CARB compliant states.
There are 17 CARB compliant states.
Very long time, British and German sports cars used to be developed almost specifically with the California market in mind in the 1950s-1970s.
Rover, for Range Rover by Land Rover for Range Rover
With overdrive. Or Roverdrive.
Since quite a long time...
Well Tata owns the Rover name, so it’s likely going to be the Land Rover Range Rover Rover
Oooh! I’ve got a great idea!
Other nations with compulsory celebration of the military: North Korea, Cuba, China. Good company. We should be just like them.
I just want to make a point here: when Trump complains about “respect for the flag” he is not talking about the flag. He is talking about him.
People who must coerce others to “honor” the country have a different definition of freedom than I do.
Well, I didn’t really have a reason to watch NASCAR, but now I have a good reason to not watch NASCAR.
Someone else said it much better than I.
The issue is that many of the shows don’t “glorify violence or celebrate some guy acting like an asshole.”
I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a…
Maybe it’s because I’m a girl but I think Beth Smith (or is it Sanchez again?) is so fascinating in that she’s got all of her father’s worst qualities - the drinking, the lack of parental instincts, the irrational attachments - and the toxic, sexist part of the fanbase seems to recognize those as flaws in her, but not…
Yes! Not coincidentally, a lot of earlygoing fans seem to have fallen off the show as it shifted decisively into Don is pathetic territory.
Part of the genius of Mad Men was that it initially depicted Don’s womanizing as something glamorous and enviable, then over time began to depict that behavior as isolating and pathetic. You initially see Don as the ultimate capitalistic/patriarchal power fantasy, but over time come to see him as a desperate, hollow…
I hope the show addresses this with an episode where Rick meets the insufferable members of his interdimensional fan club, and immediately proceeds to exploit and discard them, as is his wont.
Seriously. The constant Moffat bashing got so fucking old ages ago. And now with the new Doctor being a woman I just avoid all comments regarding the show. Some people really suck and seem quite proud of it.
I think you’re underestimating the ability of fandoms to stick their fingers in their ears at strategically useful moments.