Bangle made the design of the future. Honestly, I loved the E65 when it was new; I still love the design today. Bangle is like Warhol or Wright or Dali - polarizing but, just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not art.
Bangle made the design of the future. Honestly, I loved the E65 when it was new; I still love the design today. Bangle is like Warhol or Wright or Dali - polarizing but, just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not art.
Bangle is a shockingly underrated designer with surprisingly few misses to his name, and to be honest, he’s right. With only a few exceptions, car design has gotten super stale and boring. Not everything he did was good, but it was all original.
Leavenworth should just become its own independent state. Because we need it for the Leavenworth Drive every spring.
Well that sounds like a personal problem. Theres a particular context that is pretty much always implied when someone talks about “stringing someone up”. I didn’t think it needed to be spelled out. Maybe I was wrong...
As long as we keep Leavenworth. And WSU. That’s where my cheap summer employees come from haha
He actually didn’t say that at all.
Hey man, he is speaking the truth lol. Ever ventured out into the more rural parts, especially eastern Wa? They really are, for the most part stupid racist motherfuckers.
Welcome to the shitty part of Washington the rest of us on the west are embarrassed of.
So glad “Antifa” has emerged as the latest catch-all, bogeyman label to be slapped on anyone who disagrees with dumb racist mouth breathers. The moronic simplicity of “Libtard” has just become so tiresome.
Because you linked to “HotAir”? Here’s their About page.
PSA: the rural areas of Washington are filled with dumb, racist hicks like every other state. Motherfuckers STILL have Trump signs up along I-90.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I’m happy to imply that anyone who inconveniences me when I’m in my car should die violently.”
Engineer: “We want to build a supercharged mid engine minivan”
This is going to sell like crazy in Vancouver.
What you are saying is it takes an act of God that is 1/8 the size of the Western Hemisphere to get airlines to be on time. Gotcha.
Came here to hear about the terry flaps, was not disappointed.
I think at one point this one made it to like #54 on the iTunes chart.