I’d like to announce that FCA is starting a pilot project in the same vein.
I’d like to announce that FCA is starting a pilot project in the same vein.
So it’s a F&F ripoff with an all-white cast led by Dirty Harry’s kid
Please buy a Jeep or...Jeep
David’s program (stolen from a memory dump of Jalopnik’s Commodore 64 mainframe this morning):
Fun Fact: Chrysler Capital only lends fiat currency
Watch the video I linked to. As soon as she realizes there’s a man in the cab of the truck, she flags down a sheriff’s truck, which has a boat. They then go and immediately rescue him. Her or her crew trying to get in the water, or the man trying to swim out is incredibly dangerous. They did the right thing. That’s…
It is not jalop approved because it is, in technical terms, super-hella-mega-uber fuckin ugly.
The maid has to get there somehow.
“Moreover, can Taylor Swift right a song in which she is not the perpetual victim being prosecuted by someone who has wronged her?”
I just wonder what she thought was gonna happen when she released this still.
Ohhh awesome, thank you, I forgot I still need to spend my dividend dollars!
Ohhh awesome, thank you, I forgot I still need to spend my dividend dollars!
I can’t comment on the head gaskets. That is something that still stupifies my brain. How can they not have figured something out by now?
The coolest part was the giant sunroof. I miss that.
I too had a 2005 Legacy GT wagon. I’d still have it but after having the engine replaced at 59k miles (under warranty) I just didn’t feel comfortable keeping much past 120k.
Now if only the turbos, head gaskets, timing belts, etc etc didn’t grenade on these things frequently. I still miss my GT sedan I sold this spring after blowing the second turbo in 40k miles which came immediately after dumping 5 grand into rebuilding both heads.
I’ve owned two, and my issues with their lack of reliability and usable interior cargo space above the belt-line aft of the rear seats are well documented here so I’ll keep this positive: These are hands down, the most beautiful Subarus ever made.
the Legacy GT had a 2.5 EJ255? (IIRC), where has the 2005 WRX had a 2.0 EJ205.