
Meanwhile, last night this NXT ref shows who is “the best in the world”:

Fans may chant “CM Punk” when Shane says he’s the “best in the world” but last night this ref made them both look like jokes.

Wonder what Klaus would have thought of that title.

But does it go "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT" as it goes around the track?

I have an opinion on Mr. McIntosh and it might not be popular but here it is: Fuck this guy, his kid & anyone working for him trying to push this thru. 

Anyone have an idea what kind of dog that is? My parents used to have one that looked just like it but no one could ever tell us what it was. I did meet someone that had a twin of it (same jumping habit, some inability to bark, etc) and they didn’t know either.

Yeah, neither member of G.O.D. was happy about what happened. I know they can sell an angle very well, but there was no selling in the post match presser, just pure “WTF kinda cheap ass sideshow shit was that?!?!?!?” from them. Tama & Tanga may defend those RoH belts they won, but I could see them just as easily

OK, so I should feel bad about crying at the end of that because it showed how one person can reach out & help those who need it, not because they have to but because it’s the right thing to do since Budweiser is involved? It didn’t suddenly make me want any of their product, but I did suddenly want more people like

I could agree you make some very interesting points HOWEVER...I am going with “Fuck these people! Get your shots and don’t be a pain in the ass to everyone else!” I had to explain all this to my elderly mother who grew up before childhood immunization were a thing and even she was like “WTF would then not get them?”

Now playing

Meanwhile at MSG, Big Cass & Enzo came out of the crowd to fight ringside right after the tag teams title match. 100% work but done pretty well. Can’t imagine RoH being desperate enough to bring them in though but I guess they are.

Only if I got to go thru and pick what stayed (things like the stocked bars, the whole game room, etc) and what didn’t (their personal stuff).

Cats aren’t pets, they are roommates. Annoying, demanding but occasionally nice roommates. 

I was on a Southwest flight once from Houston to Orlando that only had eight passengers on it & it was awesome. 

Totally not game related, but the headline made me think of this:

Breaks like that are rarely “clean”. I know at least 20 people who have broken both and you are looking at past the start of the season for a return. Could be mid-season or even a whole year off from it. Either way, he’s getting some hardware...just not the kind he hoped to get in his career.

My dad started with Amtrak when they began (transferred from SCL now known as CSX) and stayed with them until ‘88 (eventually was the #3 person there). It’s kinda sad seeing how far the service has fallen since then. The dream was a service that could compete with Europe or Japan in quality....and of course, this

My dad started with Amtrak when they began (transferred from SCL now known as CSX) and stayed with them until ‘88 (eventually was the #3 person there). It’s kinda sad seeing how far the service has fallen since then. The dream was a service that could compete with Europe or Japan in quality....and of course, this

So just wondering, who lost the bet about putting three WWE-related articles up in one day (this, Warrior and Gronk with the WWE belt in the header pic)?

 Sadly, no mention of “that t-shirt company” announcing two events in the past 3 days.

This a lot! Make use of the whole animal if you are going to kill it. Plus honestly, I have seen vegan leather vs regular leather under abusive loads and it doesn’t hold up nearly as well. Leave the patch alone as it does its job & who wants to go around in a few years with some fading jeans that have a brighter blue

I posted the same general feeling in /wreddit and took some hits for it. Nice to see I wasn’t the only one that viewed his promo the way I did. Koff can be mad all he wants about someone dragging ROH’s parent company into this. However, Sinclair is battling Fox News for the title of “Right Wing Propaganda Machine” and